Superintendent Search
The Search for Superintendent Process Has Begun
Thank you to all of the community members, teachers, staff, administrators, and students who took the time to participate in the focus groups/town halls and fill out the survey. We had 81 participants in the focus groups/town halls and 449 participants in the survey, which is a fantastic response for a school district of our size!
At a Special Meeting of the Board of Education on October 30, 2024, School Leadership presented its findings and the Board adopted the following specifications based on these findings, as the primary requirements to what we as a school district, are looking for in our next Superintendent.
- A diplomatic, centered leader who excels at strengthening and unifying relationships and rebuilding trust across the district and community through ongoing clear, proactive, and transparent communication and engagement that encourages and invites participation;
- A savvy, visionary leader with past success at establishing collaborative planning to develop and implement financial strategies necessary to ensure that a complex system will serve its stakeholders - short and long-term;
- A thoughtful, measured thinker who can lead innovative and future-oriented approaches to prepare students for school success and their post-secondary experiences while ensuring equitable, inclusive access for all student groups;
- An approachable educational leader who models kindness and accessibility and is motivated to advocate for the well-being of students and the professional community to foster a supportive learning environment;
- A courageous, trustworthy leader who is mindful of the broad needs of the community, and through good governance, collaboration, and partnership with school leadership teams, will lead the district thoughtfully and wisely into the future.
School Leadership has now begun its recruiting efforts and is expected to present potential candidates to the Board in executive session at the end of January. We will continue to keep the public informed of the progress of the recruitment efforts during our regularly scheduled board meetings and on this website.
You can view the October 30, 2024, Board of Ed meeting video here.
School Leadership Presentation October 30, 2024
The Somers Central School District Board of Education
- Amanda Kandel, President
- Chadwick Olsen, Vice-President
- Dr. Ifay Chang, Trustee
- Dominick DeMartino, Trustee
- Patrick Varbero, Trustee
- Dr. Daryl Mundis, Trustee
- Margaret DiLorenzo, Trustee