Our Superintendent
Dear Families,
Welcome to the Somers Central School District! We are delighted to have you join our vibrant community of dedicated learners and educators. Our district is committed to the development of the whole child, focusing on three fundamental areas: 21st Century Knowledge & Skills, Social, Emotional, & Physical Wellness, and Global Citizenship.
Our programs and teaching methods are thoughtfully designed to meet the needs of each individual learner. We emphasize the acquisition of knowledge and skills essential for solving problems, thinking critically and creatively, and working collaboratively and cooperatively with others. Our goal is to equip our students with the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
We believe in nurturing not just academic excellence, but also the social, emotional, and physical well-being of our students. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, we aim to help every child thrive both inside and outside the classroom.
Additionally, we strive to cultivate a spirit of global citizenship in our students, encouraging them to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives and to contribute positively to their communities and the world at large.
We invite you to explore our website and learn more about the innovative programs and initiatives that make our district a leader in education. Together, we can inspire, engage, and ignite a passion for learning in our children.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to the exciting journey ahead.
Messages/Updates from Superintendent
- January 31, 2025
- January 24, 2025
- January 17, 2025
- January 10, 2025
- December 20, 2024
- December 13, 2024
- December 6, 2024
- November 27, 2024
- November 22, 2024
- November 15, 2024
- November 8, 2024
- November 1, 2024
- October 25, 2024
- October 18, 2014
- October 11, 2024
- October 4, 2024
- September 27, 2024
- September 20, 2024
- September 13, 2024
- September 6, 2024
- August 30, 2024
January 31, 2025
Dear Somers families,
Thank you for your patience with the delayed opening of school today. I hope you were able to enjoy a little extra rest in the morning.
It’s hard to believe the first month of 2025 is over already, but it has been a productive month. Our 2025-2026 budget process ramped up with a presentation, found here, on non-instructional costs. Watch for the presentation on the instructional costs at the Feb. 11 Board of Education meeting. We also saw a presentation, found here, on a proposed $63.9 million construction bond package of improvements. This work is aimed at restoring buildings to top condition, continuing to provide state-of-the-art facilities and preventing costly deterioration.
There will be much more public discussion on both matters.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Somers High School alumni Derrick Lee, now an FBI special agent, returned to his alma mater recently to talk with the students in the forensic classes. He came with Michael Dougherty, from FBI Community Outreach, who also spoke to the students.
They discussed career and internship opportunities in the FBI, cybercrimes, and crime scene investigation (CSI)
They also talked about the different roles within the nation's principal federal law enforcement agency, and how they work together.
Ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, students at Primrose Elementary School, enjoyed an assembly marking the Year of the Snake (or year 4723 on the Chinese calendar).
Students were enthralled by a vibrant Lunar New Year performance presented by a dance troupe from the New York Chinese Cultural Center. The program featured a stunning Lion Dance and even gave students the opportunity to participate in the excitement by waving long red ribbons during a Ribbon Dance.
The school extends thanks to the Primrose PTA for sponsoring this assembly!
Two new “bodies” are hanging around the seventh-grade science department at Somers Middle School. Thanks to a grant from the PTA, the science department purchased two new skeleton models.
The life-sized skeletons are made from high-quality PVC material. Mounted on rolling racks, they can be easily wheeled around the room, and to other classrooms.
The skeletons will be used for a wide range of lessons, including learning about elements in the body, demonstrating force and impact, and illustrating how the different types of joints in the body move.
January 24, 2025
Dear Somers families,
I hope you enjoy the districtwide talent show at Somers High School this evening. It starts at 5:30 p.m. Read more about that and other great news below.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The districtwide talent show at Somers High School (SHS) tonight promises an eclectic evening featuring rock, light jazz, ballet and a demonstration of karate – with handheld fans.
“The talent show is a wonderful way to bring our schools and our community together,” said Alyssa Spiconardi, one of two advisors to the Class of 2026, along with Lauren DeFrancesco. The talent show, run by the junior class, is a fundraiser for next year’s prom and other activities.
Emceed by SHS Student Council President Jimmy Gallivan, the show begins 5:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for students (cash only, at the door).
Here are the acts:
- Lucy Edmiston (grade 2), will dance ballet to Debussy’s Clair De Lune.
- Sean Edmiston (grade 4), will play an original piano piece called “Tornado.”
- Luke and Owen Genett (grades 6 and 4, respectively) will play rock songs, with Luke on guitar and Owen on drums.
- Mehr Sikriwal (grade 6), will present a karate demonstration with folding hand fans.
- Jason Graessle (freshman) will play an original light jazz piece, “Canyons.”
- Regina Ayoubi (junior) will perform the Benson Boone song “In the Stars,” singing and playing piano.
“Touchdown!”“He shoots, he scores!”
Benny Silk, founder and president of the Somers Sports Broadcasting Club, can be heard calling out phrases like these from the booth during local varsity games.
Now in its second year, the 12-member club has hit its stride. During local games, up to three members call the play-by-play from inside the booth while other members film and stream to the club’s YouTube channel. Last November, the club attended the State Championship game in Syracuse, calling the plays as Somers Varsity football scored its way to victory.
The club maintains Instagram and Twitter accounts, where members advertise sports talk show episodes and broadcasts.
Simplicity met precision in a recent seventh-grade art unit, in which students studied the work of Piet Mondrian, a Dutch artist known for his simplistic, color-block approach.“In his later years, Mondrian believed in simplifying color in art,” said Somers Middle School art teacher Mr. Gary Wanderlingh. “Things don’t have to be complex. Beauty can be found in its simplest form with primary colors.”
Students chose landscape photos to be printed onto paper and covered with tracing paper. They then drew the rough shapes they saw, which became the foundation for Mondrian-style rectangular blocks. Colors were chosen for each block, starting with the primary colors – blue, red, and yellow. Students cut out construction paper in those colors to see if they liked the way their piece looked on a smaller scale before moving to the canvas.
“At that point we could switch around the colors to make it look more balanced throughout the painting,” said Kari. “It was a very careful and precise process making sure your lines were straight, you liked how it looked, and that the lines were what you thought they would be.”
January 17, 2025
Dear Somers families,
I hope you’re all looking forward to the districtwide Talent Show in the Somers High School auditorium a week from tonight, Jan. 24. (Students, if you haven’t signed up, you can still do so through Sunday!)
Meanwhile, enjoy the upcoming three-day weekend. As you do, take a moment to reflect on the deep impact Martin Luther King, Jr. made on our country.
Cyberbullying, online privacy and other related issues were covered when the eighth-grade Family and Consumer Sciencestudents from Somers Middle School presented a lesson to fifth-grade classes at Somers Intermediate School.
The lesson was part of the middle school students’ Internet Safety Project, which empowers them to educate their peers and younger students on key aspects of online safety and digital citizenship. The project places students in the role of "internet safety experts," encouraging them to engage with their peers in meaningful ways.
Key topics covered were cyberbullying, digital ethics, digital literacy, inappropriate content, and online privacy.
Working together, problem-solving, and taking risks were all vital strategies when Somers High School Tusker 101 freshmen tackled the PNW BOCES Challenge Course.
Visiting the course in the fall, before the weather turned frigid, students worked in groups on team-building activities that challenged them both physically and mentally, while fostering cooperation, communication, open-mindedness, planning abilities, leadership, kindness, trust, and respect.
Equally important, they had fun.
“Students see their peers, and teachers see their students, in a very different light, changing the classroom environment,” said Ms. Christine Lepkowski. “They create a bond to last the entire year.”
Students had different favorite activities.
“For me, the most challenging obstacle was the see-saw with everyone on it,” said John Seeger. “It was challenging because everyone had to move together at once to succeed.”
Whitebull, a member of the Nez Perce Tribe, regaled Somers Intermediate School fifth graders recently with stories, songs and music from his Native American tradition.
Also known as J.R. Spencer, the visitor from the Pacific Northwest spoke to the students while dressed in traditional clothing, including a split buffalo horn hat.
His trip enriched English Language Arts lessons in which students learned about Native Americans, the Nez Perce, and the U.S. government.
“I learned about different cultures,” said Ethan Baksh after the presentation.
“The best part was his singing,” said Victoria Ramos.
The students had learned some of Whitebull's songs from his videos, and they surprised their guest by joining in when he began singing.
“This is the first time I actually had kids sing along with me,” he said.
January 10, 2025
Dear Somers families,
I hope you’ve all had a great start to the New Year!
We received some great news this week when the International Baccalaureate Organization approved our grades 9 and 10 Middle Years Program for authorization! Congratulations to the Somers High School team that spent so much time and effort putting this together!
While we’re noting good works, I also want to thank our Family Liaison Raisha Hernandez for the Tusker Shop she has started to help families and individuals in need.
Read about these great developments and more below.
And have a wonderful weekend!
The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) has approved Somers High School’s (SHS) Middle Years Programme (MYP) in freshman and sophomore grades, clearing the way for acceptance in the globally recognized community of rigorous, student-centered schools.
The approval affirms a continuous experience in the approach to learning beginning at Somers Middle School in grade 6 and continuing through grade 10, after which, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is one of several robust pathways juniors and seniors may pursue.
“With IBO’s affirmation, we are part of a widely esteemed, international professional learning community,” said Interim Superintendent Harry LeFevre. “That is only going to help us get stronger and build upon what has been created by the dedicated team at Somers High School, supported by the Board of Education.”
To finalize the process, SHS will submit a signed statement of acceptance. The IBO will then issue an official authorization letter and certificate. Once completed, Somers High School will be listed as an authorized MYP school.
By emphasizing academic rigor, interdisciplinary connections, and student-centered learning, the MYP enhances both personal and academic development, equipping students with the skills they need to thrive in society.
Where there’s a need, there’s a way to help.
Raisha Hernandez, the Somers Central School District Family Liaison, found a way to help families and others throughout the Somers community when she set up the Tusker Shop. That’s a once-a-month boutique where Somers families and other residents can find items they need at no cost.
Ms. Hernandez got the idea from a similar boutique at a community center in Katonah, where she volunteers.
The Tusker Shop offers a range of donated items, including toys, books, children’s items, school supplies, household necessities, personal care supplies, and weather-appropriate clothing. The shop opens the first Saturday of every month, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., at Somers Middle School, 250 Route 202 in Somers. Donations can be made on those days beginning at 8 a.m. The shop will next open on Feb. 1.
The shop has been growing in popularity since first opening in November.
“The families who came were so grateful,” Ms. Hernandez said.
To donate or for more information, contact Ms. Hernandez at rhernandez@somersschools.org or 845-260-8502.
Technology and Engineering classes reached new heights recently as students designed and built amusement park rides. Putting to the test the coding, laser cutting, and engineering skills they’ve developed for the past three years, the eighth graders created original amusement park rides that spin, rotate, or move up and down.
“We made multiple designs and sketches,” said Drin H., explaining how his group chose its design. “We tried some of the other designs and realized they would be too complicated, so we went with something more basic like the dropper style.”
Arduino programmable motors powered the rides.
“This is actual coding that they have to write,” said Mr. Matt Lugo. “They have to write it, edit it, and get it to move their ride the way they want.”
December 20, 2024
Dear Somers families,
The atmosphere has been festive here with winter concerts, students singing, playing music and ringing bells for their peers and school staff, and even one principal and assistant principal entertaining students with their life-size version of Elf on the Shelf!
Today, my cabinet members and I had a lot of fun visiting the schools in holiday costumes!
But now it’s time for a well-deserved rest from school. I wish you all a wonderful holiday break!
Here are some photos from the holiday festivities, including our visit to the schools, Somers Intermediate School Principal Linda Belger enacting “Principal on a Perch” (which she did with Assistant Principal Kyle Grogan); the Somers Middle School Chamber Orchestra and Bell Choir serenading students and staff, and the Winter Concerts from Somers High School and Somers Intermediate School and the holiday sing-along at Primrose Elementary School.
Somers High School (SHS) junior Isabella Wissa has been named one of 106 champions in the National STEM Challenge for her research into infantile spasms. Wissa and the other winners will be invited to the National STEM Festival in Washington D.C. in March, where they will present their projects to corporate executives, government officials, and the media.She was thrilled to learn she had been recognized for the project that is close to her heart.
“I am excited for the potential it has to help infants, especially in the developing world,” she said. When she learned she had won, she added, “It felt like all the hard work and late nights were worth it. I couldn’t stop smiling—it was such a surreal and joyful moment.”
This is Somers’ first year in the competition, which is run by the education streaming service EXPLR. Wissa was one of three finalists from SHS; the others were Caroline DiMella and Anya Khurana.
“This is a huge accomplishment for Isabella and it’s amazing that one of our students was able to win the top prize in our first year of participating in this competition,” said science research teacher William Maelia.
The three-peat champion Somers High School football team stopped by Primrose Elementary School this week to greet students as they arrived. It was the team's way of thanking the younger students for their support.
The Tuskers defeated the Whitesboro Warriors 51-27 on Dec. 6 in Syracuse for their third consecutive championship – and their second in a row against the Warriors.
December 13, 2024
Dear Somers families,
It was amazing to see the Tuskers win a third consecutive state championship, and it was just as thrilling to see the community celebrate the team. Supporters made the trip to Syracuse, and others, following tradition, gathered at Somers High School after midnight to cheer the team as it returned at 1:45 a.m., escorted by Somers police and firefighters.
Congratulations, team!
Many of us also enjoyed the Somers Middle School Winter Concert last night, and are looking forward to the Somers Intermediate School and Somers High School winter concerts next week. (See our district calendar for more.)
Finally, don’t forget the Somers High School production of Clue tonight and tomorrow in the auditorium.
I hope to see you at these wonderful events.
Find ‘Current Topics’ on Website
We provide information on current topics that impact our schools on our website, somersschools.org, Under the dropdown menu for “Our District” on the top left of the homepage, click on “Current Topics.” Or go directly to somersschools.org/our-district/current-topics. You’ll find information about regionalization and foundation aid, with links to where you can learn more. We will keep this page fresh with new information that impact the district.
Somers High School students hosted another successful Veteran’s Lunch on Thursday, December 11.
The annual event honors veterans from the Somers community.
Students prepared and served their guests brunch classics such as pancakes, French toast, pastries, and potatoes, along with coffee and desserts.
The community event provides an opportunity to support those who served our country and helps to bridge the gap between generations. The students took the opportunity to speak with the veterans, learn their stories, and make connections.
The student sleuths in our Somers High School forensics class have been learning about latent fingerprints – how to spot their distinct characteristic, how to lift them from a surface, and more. They inked their own fingertips onto partially inflated balloons, then blew them up to full size to expand the prints.
"Because we blew the balloon up, it helped expand the print, so it’s easier to see the characteristics,” Haylie said. “I found a fork, which is a line with two branches coming off it at the end.”
They also used cyanacrylate (super glue) fuming to develop fingerprints on non-porous material such as glass. In this case the students applied their fingerprints in petri dishes in shapes that created ornaments such as snowmen, hearts, and trees.
Every month, Somers Intermediate School (SIS) students gather in the gym for grade-level assemblies called “Town Meetings” that recognize students’ successes and showcases their talents.
This year, SIS’s school theme is the Olympics. Students earn points reading books and taking quizzes through the Accelerated Reader Program. Points go toward a bronze, silver, or gold medal at each town meeting.
“I like reading,” said third grader James O’Conner, who earned 50 points – and a silver medal – in November. “It wasn’t how many books I read, but if they were hard enough for me. Most of the books I read are funny.”
Other achievements recognized include Artists of the Month and Heroes of the Month (those who have treated others with kindness, respect, and gratitude). Students also showcase any talent they want to show off, such as cheerleading, dancing, and singing..
December 6, 2024
Otters, turtles, sharks, and sting rays were just a few of the animals third-grade students from Somers Intermediate School saw at the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Conn., during a recent field trip. The students found something new to learn around every corner. “We saw a python snake named Monty,” Lucy C. said. “I thought pythons were super-fast, but they’re actually really slow.”
November 27, 2024
Dear Somers families,
We received great news from our Science Research program this week when three Somers High School juniors were named finalists in the National STEM Festival competition. They are among 12 finalists from New York State. Read more about them below.
Also, our Tuskers football team continued its winning streak. The team won the quarterfinal match last Friday and now faces Cornwall in the semifinals at 6 p.m. Friday at Middletown High School. Go Tuskers!
Those are just a couple of the many, many things we have to be grateful for heading into the holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Three Somers High School juniors, Caroline DiMella, Anya Khurana, and Isabella Wissa, were named finalists in the National STEM Festival competition.
Students in photo, from left: Caroline DiMella, Isabella Wissa, and Anya Khurana.
This is Somers’ first year in the competition, which was started last year by EXPLR, an education streaming service. The Somers finalists are among 12 chosen from New York State and 402 chosen across the U.S. and its territories.
“This is a huge accomplishment for Caroline, Anya, and Isabella, and for Somers High School!” said science research teacher William Maelia. “These juniors worked very hard over the summer to complete their research projects. They will be entering numerous other competitions throughout the year. Hopefully this achievement is a sign of many future successes.”
The finalists will now submit videos for the next round. On Dec. 18, up to 150 champions will be named, including three or four from New York State. They will be invited to the National STEM Festival in Washington D.C. in March, where they will present their projects to corporate executives, government officials, and the media. The festival will also offer mentoring and networking opportunities.
The familiar melody of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” fills the afterschool hallways of Somers Middle School every Thursday afternoon as students in the Rockestra ensemble practice.
“Rockestra is a creative outlet for students who are passionate about rock and pop music,” said Mr. Miles Gilbert, the director.The musicians will perform the classic Queen anthem – and possibly another song – at the Somers Middle School Winter Concert on Dec. 12.
“Rockestra is amazing,” said Cooper Hewitt. “It’s different. It’s fun. It’s unique. It’s just a really nice club to go to if you want to play music.”
The club meets weekly and is open to all students, with no auditions and no musical experience required. The ensemble teaches a different musical skill set from an orchestra class. With songs such as “Paint it Black,” “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and “Day Tripper,” the emphasis is on groove, chord changes, and improvisation.
The trails behind Somers Intermediate School aren’t just for wandering in nature; they’re also an outdoor educational space.The weather was warm when students began their hiking unit in physical education classes recently. They set out on their trek after ensuring they were properly equipped with sneakers and a trail map. (Sneakers are available for borrowing, if needed.)
“We’re hiking, but it’s more than hiking. We’re experiencing nature,” said Ava I. “It feels good to be out in nature.”
Mr. Thomas Albano made sure that every group of students had a map and knew how to read it. Students took to the trails eagerly, with Mr. Albano leading the way and Mrs. Jamie Pryschlak following. Along the way, students learned to respect nature.
“If you drop something you should pick it up and not leave it there,” Elle P. said. “If you find something, you should leave it there and not take it with you.”
November 22, 2024
Dear Somers families,
Thank you for your cooperation with the two-hour delay this morning. I hope that you all stayed safe -- and maybe enjoyed a little extra sleep!
There’s a lot to celebrate with our student athletes this week. Last Friday, the Tuskers football team won the Section 1 championship for the fourth year in a row. They’ll compete in the quarterfinals at 7:30 tonight against Averill Park at Shenendehowa High School north of Albany. We wish them a great game!
On Saturday, junior Julia Duzynski competed in the Class B New York State Public High School Athletics Association Cross Country Championship race at Queensbury High School. She finished 15th. Congratulations to Julia on a great season and amazing championship race.
Finally, nine athletes in the class of 2025 committed to colleges and universities on Signing Day this week. See more on that and more great news below.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Congratulations to the nine student athletes in the Somers High School class of 2025 who committed to colleges and universities on Signing Day, which was Wednesday. They are:
- Julia Arbelaez: Syracuse University
- Haylie Donovan: Southern Methodist University
- Andrew Kapica: Fordham University
- Mason Kelly: Brown University
- Miguel Iglesias: University of Notre Dame
- Sydney Ingraham: University of Notre Dame
- McKenna Mullins: College of William & Mary
- Tiana Righetti: University of Connecticut
- Julia Schmidberger: College of Staten Island (Division 2)
Flames of bright pink, green, yellow and more colors sparked around the room of a chemistry class at Somers High School in an experiment that ignited the students’ passion for learning.“We’re seeing how different colors come off of different elements when they’re heated,” said student Michael Monahan.
Classmate Gianna Conunale added, “When the electrons are heated, they jump to the excited state, which results in a different wavelength of light.”
The colorful light show was a reward for the students who were learning about and testing the energy of different elements.
Seven individual powdered elements—calcium (Ca), lithium (Li), strontium (Sr), copper (Cu), barium (Ba), sodium (Na), and potassium (K) —were mixed with water to create solutions that students tested in flames. One test tube was not labeled with its element, creating a mystery that students solved when they correctly determined by its color that it was strontium.
There was no need to wait for Thanksgiving Day to enjoy a parade for some parents at Primrose Elementary School. Last Friday, kindergarten students, led by teacher Alexandria Jasek, marched through the hallway to the cafeteria, holding aloft balloons they had created of Pikachu, Bluey, Mario, turkeys, cats, and more.Benjamin Manzi created one of several Spider-Man balloons.
“He’s super awesome and he gets the bad guys,” Benjamin explained.
Amalia Del Castillo made Pikachu, her favorite Pokémon, “because he has electric power.”
The event capped a lesson that began with the class reading Balloons Over Broadway by Melissa Sweet, about the puppeteer who invented the first giant balloons for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Each student then planned their balloon on a planning page and material request form, choosing the color of their balloon plus supplies such as construction paper and googly eyes. The goal was for students “to learn the importance of brainstorming and planning” and to use their creativity, Jasek said.
Many parents attended the celebration, which turned into a showcase in the cafeteria as students crossed the cafeteria stage one at a time showing their creations.
November 15, 2024
Dear Somers families,
On Wednesday morning I had the privilege of participating in the Somers Community Council Meeting, hosted by Town Supervisor, Rob Scorrano. It was an opportunity to meet with representatives of many town agencies and organizations.
The main theme of the discussion was Domestic Violence and the resources that are available to community members. As we all continue to grieve and heal after the tragedy that shook our Somers family two weeks ago, it’s important to remember that resources remain available to students, staff, families and community members.
Links to some resources are listed below, as well as a few pictures of Axel, one of the emotional support dogs that has spent time with students at SHS and SMS over the past two weeks. He was at SMS today and brought smiles to many faces!
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been enjoying visiting our schools to read to students and to witness the wonderful activities they’re involved in.
I hope that these weekly letters, the district’s website and social media pages, and the Tusker Nation newsletter have been giving you all a taste of the innovative lessons and fun events our educators lead.
Domestic Violence Resources
- Click here for a list of domestic violence resources from Westchester County
https://women.westchestergov.com/domestic-violence - Reach the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at:
(800) 799-SAFE (7233) or https://www.thehotline.org
Students in the Tusker 101 class at Somers High School (SHS) are getting to know the faculty and staff members better with the new Humans of Somers High School project.
Modeled on the “Humans of New York” photo blog and book series by photographer Brandon Stanton, the project entailed each student interviewing and photographing a faculty/staff member or administrator. They then created an Instagram-style post as if they were the person interviewed.
“We interviewed them and asked them questions to get a deep but quick look into their lives,” said Ava Schmidberger. “It was stuff that you wouldn’t normally ask.”
Tusker 101 is a full-year class for freshmen at Somers High School (SHS) that debuted in the 2023-2024 school year. The class aims to teach students lessons that foster success at school and in their lives outside of school. Tusker 101 focuses on the 10 International Baccalaureate learner profile attributes and puts them into practical use through creative assignments.
Shhhh! Authors at work!
The eighth-grade students at Somers Middle School (SMS) are crafting their own novels for National Novel Writing Month, a 30-day challenge that comes each November. Intended to immerse them in writing, the project has inspired a wide range of stories about ghosts, football players, a dystopian society and more.
Student Elizabeth Spano, whose novel Decisions in the Dark is about a girl who awakens from a coma, said the writing can be intimidating – until you dive into it.
“I start writing and I get ideas and it gets easier,” she said. “It gets better.”
Often called NaNoWriMo – or just NaNo – the project engages 100,000s writers and budding authors around the world to write their novels entirely within November.
"This experience provides students the opportunity to hone their writing skills while creating authentic stories that they want to tell," said SMS teacher Kirstin Reynolds, who leads the project with teacher Tricia Baldes.
Baldes said that New York State education standards call for narrative writing.
“We often remind students that the skills they are learning here should be applied as they write elsewhere,” she said.
Students in the Outdoor Activity Club at Somers Intermediate School (SIS) got their hands dirty digging up dahlias for winter storage.
They divided the work into two tasks – some students pulled the tubers out of the ground and others wrapped them in newspaper.
“I love wrapping stuff. I always ask my mom to help wrap gifts,” said Elle V., explaining her choice to wrap. “And I didn’t want to get dirty.”
The students learned that dahlias are tubers, not bulbs, and a part of the aster family, along with daisies, sunflowers, and zinnias. Dahlia tubers also share similarities with potatoes, including growing eyes.
As Ms. Beth Monteleone explained, “The eyes are where a new beautiful dahlia plant can grow from next year.”
November 8, 2024
Dear Somers families,
Have a wonderful long weekend. If you come out for the town’s Veterans Day Parade on Monday, be sure to watch for our Somers Middle School Fife and Drum Corps! See more on that below.
While you’re enjoying Somers’ Veterans Day Parade on Monday morning, watch and listen for these young musicians. The Somers Middle School (SMS) Fife and Drum Corps will be marching and playing traditional numbers including Billy Boy March, British Grenadiers, and of course, Yankee Doodle.
The parade, hosted by the Somers Lions Club, begins at 10:25 a.m. at the SMS lower lot and proceeds down Route 202, turns left at the Elephant Hotel and ends with a ceremony at Ivandell Cemetery.
(Pro tip: Get there early!)
Teams of robots faced off in a Robot Freeze Tag Tournament recently in the Somers High School electronics and robotics class.
In each match, teams of two robots battled it out, each trying to press a red-and-black button on opposing robots to cause them to halt for five seconds and flash red. Whichever team’s robots froze fewer times would win and move on to the next round.
Students built their VEX EXP robots from a kits by VEX Robotics with metal bars, screws, motors, wheels, and a “brain,” which was a box students programmed with controls. Students operated them with remote controls.
“We started from scratch, and we used the metal to build the base,” said junior Chris Curry. “Once we had our base, we added the motors, then we used a drive train and put it inside a motor so that when the motor spins, it makes the wheels turn.”
To perfect their robots’ performance, they tried different wheels and controller settings, said teacher Chris Pietris.
“There was a little experimentation throughout the whole process,” Pietris said.
Somers Middle School Italian teacher Daniel Drebycz wished “Benvenuti!” to the Westchester Coalition of Italian-American Organizations when the school hosted the Italian Language Awards Ceremony recently.
Somers eighth-grader Olivia McGurk drew applause when she started the ceremony by singing the national anthems of Italy and the United States, each in their original language.
The celebration in the school’s auditorium included the presentation and proclamation of Italian Heritage Month with special recognition of outstanding students and teachers of the Italian language from Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties.
The theme of the celebration was Giovanni da Verrazzano 1524-2024, in honor of the Italian explorer’s discovery of New York Harbor 500 years ago.
November 1, 2024
Dear Somers families,
This has been a heartbreaking week for us all.
The tragedy that struck our community Monday night took the life of Somers High School 10th grader Michael Raimondi and hospitalized his younger brother Matthew, a Somers Middle School 8th grader, and their mother.
You may have seen some news coverage that has focused on the horrific details of the shooting that has caused us such sorrow. Somers Town Supervisor Rob Scorrano and I have sent a joint letter to the editor of Lohud.com protesting the irresponsible nature of the reporting. You’ll find the letter attached to this message.
This coverage, coupled with misinformation that has circulated on social media, has made navigating the many emotions we all feel more difficult. We have aimed to counter the rumors and unreliable information by presenting only relevant facts from trusted sources – the police and the family.
I urge you all to avoid the unnecessary negativity in the news coverage and the misinformation on social media and to focus as much as possible on positive memories of Michael and on wishes for a complete recovery by Matthew and their mother.
Throughout the week, our goal has been to offer aid and support to students and staff. Many individuals and organizations have reached out to help, both inside and outside the community. All of this is greatly appreciated.
We also aim to help the Raimondi family in any way that we can. I urge you to attend the vigil that the Town of Somers will hold in Reis Park tomorrow evening from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
I am proud of the way that the district staff has pulled together to support students, even as they experienced the loss and pain themselves. I also appreciate the way that the students have come together as a family to find ways to honor Michael and convey their best wishes to Matthew and their mother.
I know that everyone grieves at their own pace. I want to assure you that we will provide support as long as it is needed, and our counseling staff is always available for students. Please never hesitate to ask for help if you think you need it. Parents and guardians, if you have a concern about your child’s wellbeing, please reach out to a member of our wellness team or a trusted staff member.
More than ever, this is a time for the Somers family to support and look out for one another. I assure you that I and the district will continue to do all that we can to support our students, staff, and the greater community in this difficult time and whenever needed.
Primrose Elementary School students interviewed for positions as part of the “Wee Deliver Post Office” recently.
Their interviewers were administrators from around the district to came to help out with the long-standing tradition, including Interim Superintendent Harry LeFevre.
“The students are very interested in participating,” LeFevre said amid the interviews. “So far, they have all wanted to be a carrier or a sorter and they can explain what each of the positions requires.”
The hopeful job applicants were asked about the position they would like to fill, their desire to be a part of the team, and how they would handle certain situations. All interested students were successfully accepted onto the Wee Deliver Postal Team and will find out their jobs during their session between November and June.
Students at Somers Intermediate School practiced meditative breathing, gentle stretching, and a series of yoga positions, including cat and cow, downward dog, child pose, and warrior recently.
Led by Miss Beatrice, the recess activity was part of Red Ribbon Week, which encourages healthy choices for mind and body.
Thank you to the PTA for sponsoring this activity.
Throughout the district, many students wore their best costumes for Halloween yesterday. Somers Intermediate School students held their traditional Halloween parade, processing past Somers Middle School and back. At Somers High School, Vader the therapy dog, with a couple of canine friends, joined in the day. At Primrose Elementary School, orange was the color of the day.
October 25, 2024
Dear Somers families,
It was encouraging this week to see red ribbons around the schools in support of making healthy choices.
I hope everyone has had a great week!
If the world’s sustainability challenges such as clean water, improved health and quality education require superhuman efforts, the sixth graders at Somers Middle School are here to help. In social studies, they explored the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development goals and created superheroes to tackle the problems.
Mia Klein’s superhero defends life below water, helping animals and making waste in the ocean disappear.
“She has a watch that notifies her if the ecosystem is in danger,” she said.
Milania Chiazzese’s superhero can “cure people and help people who struggle with health.”
In the lesson, students employed their International Baccalaureate learning profile attributes and practiced being principled.
“This project gets the students to be risk-takers as they create and design their superhero,” said Mrs. Jacqueline Dolan.
Take Natalia Steiner’s caped superhero, who fights for gender equality.
“When the cape is moving, it will give women the same amount of money as men,” she said. “The necklace will give girls more confidence, because girls get treated poorly and bullied. And she has shoes, so when my superhero walks, she will give girls an education, because a lot of girls still don’t get to go to school.”
Students in Somers High School’s Photo One class combined their know-how and creativity to produce eye-catching photo compositions recently.
Teacher Colleen Sheehy encouraged them to collaborate to help each other with the technical skills required for analogue photography. It also gave them an opportunity to bounce ideas off each other and fuel their imaginations.
Most students paired up, but a small group pulled together to collaborate with classmate Hazel Sledzik on a composition with the theme of “reflection.” They placed a flat mirror in a tray of water that Brooke Hadley rippled with a hair dryer. Curtis Dustin held a prop flower over the mirror while Kiernan Page completed the effect with a reflector casting additional light on the scene.
“The idea to add ripples came out of collective brainstorming as they were toying around with the positions of the lights to see what type of shadows and highlights they could create,” Sheehy said.
Students in the elective class learn both digital and analogue photography. They start by learning how to “see as a photographer,” by focusing on composition, and they build their skills from there.
Primrose Elementary School has fallen for autumn.
Students have engaged all five senses in the brisk time of vibrant colors to explore the changes that the season brings. They have created fall scenes in paint, crayon, tissue paper, and other media. They have also written about the season, with either descriptions to accompany their artistic creations or about their favorite fall activities.
So, what are the students' favorite fall treats? Highlights of the writing featured family members jumping into leaf piles, hanging out at football games, and family excursions to pick pumpkins and apples.
“This is a magical time, when the senses come alive,” said Principal Katie Winter. “The students’ imaginations have been sparked, and their projects have captured the vibrant spirit of the season and its many wonderful colors, sounds and aromas.”
October 18, 2014
Dear Somers families,
Congratulations to Primrose Elementary School Principal Katie Winter, Assistant Principal Meg Benedetto and Somers High School Past Principal Mark Bayer, who were inducted last night into the Somers Education Foundation Hall of Fame. We are proud of the honor they have earned, of all that Katie and Meg do every day, and all that Mark accomplished during his years with the district. I also want to express my deepest appreciation to the Somers Education Foundation for recognizing the educators' contributions, and for its wonderful continued partnership with the Somers Central School District.
Superintendent Survey Deadline is Sunday
If you haven't filled out the survey on what you would like to see in the Somers Central School District's next permanent Superintendent of Schools, there is still time – but not much! Please fill out the survey and make your voice heard by the Oct. 20 deadline. That's this Sunday. All responses are anonymous.
Not all “Vaders” Work for the Dark Side.
Greeting the students at the start of the day, checking out what they have for lunch, and making sure that each student gets a tail wag just for them are a few of the ways certified therapy dog Vader brightens the days and supports the students at Somers High School (SHS).
“Vader has been here since my freshman year,” said senior Julia Schmidberger. “The first time he was here, it was so fun to meet him.”
Brenda O’Shea, SHS’s Student Life Coordinator, is Vader’s handler and has been bringing him to school once a week for three years. The beloved labrador-shepherd mix is about five years old. “He’s a really good dog,” said senior Engji Demaj. “I feel good when I see Vader.”
Music is on the rise at Somers Middle School.
At Somers Middle School, you don’t have to be a performer to learn about and appreciate music. Students who are not in performing arts classes now take two years of general music, in sixth and eighth grades, instead of just one in seventh grade.
“Exposure to the arts increases brain productivity, critical thinking, and mindfulness,” said Principal Jennifer Mangone. “It also helps increase social-emotional wellbeing.”
Sixth graders are learning to play the ukulele and read chord charts. In a recent eighth-grade class, teacher Marie Williams taught the ways people have listened to music over the decades, from vinyl records through streaming services.
Williams added personal experiences, recalling that vinyl records from the progressive rock band Yes “had the best album covers,” and that compact discs “made great stocking stuffers.”
Later, her students will analyze form in pop music and learn guitar tablature (tabs), learn how to work a digital audio workstation and more.
“If you want to go into music or songwriting, this will be important,” said student Matt Sowa.
True enough, but Williams said music is universal. “Appreciating music makes us more human,” she said.
Cheers filled the Somers Intermediate School gymnasium when teams of fourth graders faced each other in a Soccer World Cup tournament.
The students had spent time improving their ball control, handling, dribbling, and passing, as well as increased communication among teammates.
“We’re going to try as hard as we can,” said student Lana V. “We started in the dungeon and now we’re on the hill.”
Each of 10 five-member teams represented a different country that has played in the official World Cup. Teams created posters about their represented countries with fun facts, the country’s flag, and the country’s most recent year in the World Cup.
After a rotation of three-minute games – with ties broken by rounds of rock, paper, scissors – England and Australia faced off for the Gold Medal, cheered on by their classmates.
The score: Australia 1, England 0. The end result: the students had a blast!
October 11, 2024
Dear Somers families,
Join us in congratulating Somers High School Class of 2025 Valedictorian Natalia Tellez and Salutatorian Sara Hanford!
I wish you all a wonderful long weekend.
Somers High School (SHS) proudly announced today that Natalia Tellez (right in photo) has been named valedictorian and Sara Hanford has been named salutatorian of the Class of 2025.
“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Natalia and Sara for their exceptional dedication and for achieving this esteemed recognition,” said SHS Principal Peter Rodrigues.
Planes, bobsleds, and robotic hands are among the projects students are creating in the Makerspace in Somers Middle School (SMS). Located in the SMS technology department, the space gives students a place where they can work on a variety of STEAM projects. “These projects are guided, but mostly the students work through them independently,” said Matthew Lugo, one of two technology teachers who oversees the Makerspace sessions. “I’m here to support them along the way.”
Students sign up for Makerspace for one-week sessions and show up each day after eating lunch instead of going to recess.
Luke G. built an airplane out of cardboard because, “I like planes, and I thought it would be cool to make something that flies, but I didn’t want to make the helicopter.”
After a test flight, he was ready to make improvements.
“I threw it a few minutes ago and it’s decently durable, so I think it’ll land,” he said. “I’m thinking of putting two Hot Wheels cars on the bottom to be like landing gear.”
The six new tennis courts at Somers High School (SHS) are striped and expected to be ready for their first serves next week.
The courts are also lined for pickleball games.
Athletic Director Marc Hattem said high school tennis team members, who now travel to Reis Park a mile away for practice, are eager to begin playing on their own courts.
"When we met with the teams and student-athletes to discuss the new courts, the pride in having them on campus was seen immediately,” he said. “The students all had a feeling of ownership.”
Having the new courts on campus saves time and adds convenience for the players, and may open discussions of modified teams for seventh and eighth grades, Hattem said. The school’s physical education classes also will be able to use the courts, he said.
Two areas for throwing events such as discus are expected to be added over the next few months. Construction crews are also creating a parking area that will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
In addition to the tennis courts, two fields, one for baseball and the other for softball, are being upgraded. They are expected to be completed by the end of December, with bleachers expected to be installed next February.
October 4, 2024
A new sensory space in teacher Crystle Regulbuto’s room in Primrose Elementary School helps students regulate their emotions through touch and sight and with a sound-activated lightboard. Occupational therapist DeAnne Chin called it “a sensory-friendly space” where students with special needs who are feeling overstimulated may receive sensory input to help calm them.
The space was created with a grant from the Somers Education Foundation.
Students can fall or jump onto a thick, foam-filled crash pad or slip into a swing made of smooth, stretchy material that cocoons a user as he or she sways or spins. Pads vibrate when pressed. A bubble tube and a curtain of fiber optic strands emit oscillating colors. A sound-activated board that lights up with colors “encourages speech and language,” Regulbuto said.
“I always want to be on the proactive end of their sensory needs,” Regulbuto said. “To give them the things that they need in that moment is key.”
Regulbuto and Chin were assisted by Somers High School senior Sarah Hanford, who helped as part of a Girl Scouts project. They are establishing protocols for the space to train colleagues throughout the school in its use.
They thanked the education foundation for its funds, the district for building the walls and the custodians for installing the equipment.
“There were a lot of hands and a lot of love that went into this,” Regulbuto said.
Planes, bobsleds, and robotic hands are among the projects students are creating in the Makerspace in Somers Middle School (SMS). Located in the SMS technology department, the space gives students a place where they can work on a variety of STEAM projects. “These projects are guided, but mostly the students work through them independently,” said Matthew Lugo, one of two technology teachers who oversees the Makerspace sessions. “I’m here to support them along the way.”
Students sign up for Makerspace for one-week sessions and show up each day after eating lunch instead of going to recess.
Luke G. built an airplane out of cardboard because, “I like planes, and I thought it would be cool to make something that flies, but I didn’t want to make the helicopter.”
After a test flight, he was ready to make improvements.
“I threw it a few minutes ago and it’s decently durable, so I think it’ll land,” he said. “I’m thinking of putting two Hot Wheels cars on the bottom to be like landing gear.”
The bold colors and smooth brush strokes of Georgia O’Keeffe served as inspiration for fourth-grade students in Meg Gioffe’s art class at Somers Intermediate School as they painted sunflowers in the famous artist’s style.
First, they learned about O’Keeffe’s technique and how it differed starkly from the textured, visible strokes painted by Vincent Van Gogh (whom they studied last year).
“It’s so gorgeous and lusciously smooth and blended,” Mrs. Gioffe said of O’Keeffe’s style. “You can’t see where the brush hit the canvas.”
To create their own artworks, students outlined sunflowers on black paper, first with white pencils, then white glue. They filled the spaces with shades of yellow, orange and even brown, blending the colors in the petals with a blender stick.
For backgrounds, some chose a bright blue sky, others a sunset. Student Joseph S. painted flecks of yellow on his black background.
“I just wanted to be a little unique by doing a summer night,” he said. “These are fireflies.”
September 27, 2024
Dear Somers families,
We had a great time celebrating Spirit Week, which started with our first-ever Homecoming Bash at Somers High School on Sept. 19.
It was wonderful seeing students, teachers and everyone else having fun together.
Food Trucks, games, inflatables, and great food added up to loads of fun at the first-ever Homecoming Bash at Somers High School.
Tuskers of all grades joined the Sept. 19 celebration on the school lawn. Sponsored in part by Partners in Prevention, the bash kicked off Homecoming Week, which was full of spirit days and sporting events.
“I think homecoming is such a big town thing,” said high school senior Julia Schmidberger, publicity officer for the student council, which hosted the celebration. “To kick off that week, and to honor homecoming for the whole town, we wanted to bring it to the entire community in a new way.”
Students and families enjoyed inflatable games such as basketball and T-ball, as well as traditional lawn games such as bean bag toss. A DJ played music, kids slid down a giant inflatable slide, and students posed for photos with friends and family in a photo booth. Food trucks offered wood-fired pizza, barbequed meats, and ice cream treats while the student council sold drinks and candy confections.
“We loved having members of the community at the high school!” said Student Life Coordinator Brenda O’Shea. “It was great to have so many of our athletes attend as well.”
The students of Primrose Elementary School celebrated their role as “We the People” on Constitution Day, Sept. 17.
Many classrooms set aside time to draw up their own Classroom Constitutions, which spelled out students’ rights and responsibilities in the school community. They then signed the guiding documents.
“Signing our class rules is a lot like signing the Constitution,” one student observed.
Classrooms learned more about the topic from a video about citizenship and the United States Constitution, which established the foundation for the nation’s government, and how this document came to be.
In room after room, Primrose students discussed the importance of respect, kindness, responsibility, and citizenship; all values that create a tight knit community.
The third graders at Somers Intermediate School got their kicks the other day when they practiced their soccer skills in physical education class.
The students warmed up by running laps around the gym, then watched Coach Jaime Pryschlak demonstrate the fundamentals – passing, intercepting, blocking a goal, and stopping the ball, all using only her foot. The coach also reinforced techniques for aiming with proper body and foot position.
When the time came to practice, students moved outside for some fresh air and sunshine.
“We’re learning drag-backs, tick-tocks, and toe taps,” said student Caroline T.
Working in groups of three, they took turns passing the ball, stopping it, and sending it to the next player, no hands allowed.
“We want to make sure that we take turns so that everyone gets a chance to work on the different techniques,” Mrs. Pryschlak said.
September 20, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
It’s been a great week for achievements at Somers High School!
Junior Jimmy Gallivan, the president of the high school student council, has been named to the first-ever National Student Council, representing the entire state of New York.
Also, seniors Emma Gordon and Luke Armstrong have been named National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists. They’ll now move to the finalist level.
These are just a few examples of the achievements we see in Somers schools. And the year has barely begun.
Somers High School junior Jimmy Gallivan has risen to the top of the school’s Student Council, serving as its president. Now he is poised to make an impact much more far-reaching as a member of the first-ever National Student Council. Gallivan will represent all of New York State on the council, which was started this year by the National Association of Student Councils.
“I’m honored to have been chosen to represent the concerns and ideas and perspectives of New York State on the national level,” he said.
Somers High School student life coordinator Brenda O’Shea said Gallivan was perfect for the role, adding, “Jimmy has a great combination of traits that make him an amazing leader.”
Two Somers High School seniors, one aiming for the stars and the other an aspiring writer, have been named 2025 National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists in a competition that recognizes academic excellence. Luke Armstrong and Emma Gordon were among 16,000 semi-finalists designated nationwide.
Armstrong’s goal is to become an astronautical engineer and “develop the technology to progress humanity further into space,” he said. Of his Somers education, he said, “The rigorous path supported me and my academic goals, making me well prepared for the National Merit Scholarship Competition."
Gordon aims to continue developing her craft as a writer, “while also exploring other disciplines such as applied mathematics and neuroscience to help enrich my perspective,” she said.
“It is an incredible honor to be recognized nationally as one of a very small group of high school seniors who have been named National Merit semi-finalists,” she said.
The seventh-grade ELA classes gathered recently in the Somers Middle School Library to celebrate reading with a series of short book discussions. Students in the three classes met in pairs to talk about the books they had read over the summer. They discussed the highlights and favorite parts of the volumes they had read during the break and got ideas and recommendations from their peers about books to read in the future. Over the course of one period, each students met with eight to ten peers to talk about their good reads.
September 13, 2024
Dear families,
Now that the whirlwind of the first school days has passed, students and teachers are settling into their daily schedules and building momentum. I look forward to sharing the achievements and innovative lessons and activities this year will bring.
I hope many of you are able to join the Homecoming Bash next Thursday to kick off Homecoming Week. Read more about that below.
School Bus Pick-Up Reminder
If your child takes the bus to school, please remember to arrive at the bus stop in the morning 10 minutes early. This is important for us to keep the buses running on schedule and to assure that all students on the bus route arrive at school on time.
Tuskers of all grades, join in the celebration to kick off Homecoming Week on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. on Somers High School’s front lawn.
The first-ever Homecoming Bash will bring lawn games, music, food and more. Pose for pictures in a photo booth and get a bite to eat from food trucks selling wood-fired pizza, barbecued treats and ice cream.
The high school Student Council will present the event with sponsorship from Partners in Prevention, which will staff a table during the celebration. All students, K-12, are invited with their families. (Parents and guardians should be prepared to stay with younger children. This is not a drop-off event.)
“This is a new, exciting event for us,” said Student Life Coordinator Brenda O’Shea. “We want the community to come out and enjoy it.”
See you there!
Also, remember to wear your Somers schools gear or red for Somers School Spirit Day on Friday, Sept. 27.
Kindergarten students at Primrose Elementary School started off the year in motion with warm-up exercises such as ski jump and mountain climbers, stretches and games. The Listening Game taught them how to listen for and follow instructions in a busy, fast-paced environment. That sets the foundation for the most fundamental rule in gym: move safely.
Coach Marta Parker told them, “Be safe, try your best, and have fun!”
Once the exercises in safety had boosted their heart rates – and broadened their smiles – a series of stretches and cool-down activities prepared them to start classroom learning.
Eighth-grade students in tech class at Somers Middle School were excited to create laser printings with the VCarve software, which allows them to design and produce a laser-cut model from a sheet of clear plastic.
Students chose at least two pictures to combine into one image to print. A beachscape, snowboarder atop mountains, a volleyball scene and a day-and-night yin-and-yang design were among the images they created.
Students will also design stands for their cutouts so they can be displayed when completed.
September 6, 2024
Dear families,
What a fantastic first week of school we have had!
I was excited to help greet students as they arrived during the first two days. It was great to see so many students so eager to start the school year.
I want to thank our entire school district staff for their dedication and hard work in ensuring a smooth and joyful opening to 2024-2025. Now that the year is under way, I look forward to a year filled with the wonder of learning, exploration and discovery!
The 2024-2025 school year began Tuesday at dawn. It was then, shortly before 6 a.m., that the Somers High School seniors gathered on the football field to greet the day for Senior Sunrise, following a new tradition that began in 2021. Later in the morning, Interim Superintendent Harry LeFevre and other administrators joined building principals and other staff to greet the students as they strode into the schools for the new year, wishing them, “Good morning!” “Welcome Back!” and “Happy first day!”
Among the greeters at the high school was Vader, teacher Brenda O’Shea’s 5-year-old Labrador-German Shepherd mix who enjoys a career as the school’s therapy dog.
Meet Officer Matt Laccetti, the new School Resource Officer (SRO) at Somers High School. He filled the position previously held by SRO Matt Hickey. “I want to be a resource for students and staff,” Laccetti said this week, his first full week in the assignment. “I want to be an advocate for them, someone who they can come and talk to about a problem, or about something positive. When they look at me, I want them to see someone who is going to have their back.”
Principal Peter Rodrigues said, “SRO Laccetti has been a welcome addition to Somers High School.”
More than 100 parking spaces at Somers High School came alive with color and creativity when this year’s seniors painted them for the start of school.
The tradition brought out an eclectic mix of themes. SpongeBob SquarePants, scenes from Finding Nemo, spoofs of Monopoly squares (“Bored Walk”), and images inspired by the famous Japanese print The Great Wave off Kanagawa were all in the mix. Senior Emily Uffer’s space featured the title of the song “You’re Gonna Go Far” by Noah Kahan, her favorite artist of the moment, and included a VW bus because “it fits his vibe.” Sebastian Chao painted Spider-Man from Into the Spider-Verse.
Seniors were invited to purchase the right to paint a space for $90. The funds pay to reseal the lot at the end of the year and to support senior events such as the prom.
Some paired up in claiming a spot, including Violet Wintle and her twin brother Ellis, who painted “Peace Out” on their space.
Violet explained, “We’re saying ‘Peace Out’ to school.”
August 30, 2024
Dear families,
Welcome to the new school year! I hope all of you had a wonderful and restful summer and are as eager as we are for the first day of school. Every September brings a new beginning filled with promise and opportunity. We have been preparing to make the start of school exciting and fruitful.
Our administrators have been honing their skills in the Multi-Tiered System of Supports to ensure all students’ needs are met, the buildings and grounds crews have been hard at work renovating and touching up spaces, while adding new athletics facilities, and teachers have been setting up their classrooms.
We look forward to your arrival!
We are a family, not by blood but by common purpose,” Interim Superintendent Harry LeFevre told the Somers Central School District staff assembled in the Somers High School auditorium on Wednesday. “Everyone plays an essential and unique role in this family.”
Somers Board of Education President Amanda Kandel, and Rosalind Galino, who is president of Somers Education Foundation as well as co-president of the Somers PTA Council, also praised the staff.
LeFevre honored educators and support staff for their longevity, naming those who have served the district for 10, 15, 20, 30, 35 and, in one case, 40 years. (The 25-year employees will be honored in the spring.)
The groups received standing ovations, as did the buildings and grounds staff when recognized by Director of Facilities Chris McCartney, and Somers High School Student Government President Jimmy Gallivan, who thanked the district, saying, “Teaching is a superpower.”
The ceremony followed a breakfast of bagels, pastries and coffee provided by the Somers PTA.
“It’s a fresh start,” said high school teacher Christine Lepkowski who teaches forensics and the Tusker 101 and 102 introductory classes. “I think it’s going to be a really exciting year!
What’s one small change you can make the first week of school to benefit your students? That was the question posed to 75 teacher leaders and administrators at the start of the Camp Tusker Leadership Summit, a two-day professional learning experience on the Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) structure and how this approach supports Whole Child instructional planning.
District administrators partnered with consultant Emory Roethel of PLC Associates to teach the system for instruction. MTSS uses a tiered framework to students’ individual needs and to target supports to each student so that they all can reach their potential. One key of MTSS is to nurture students’ abilities to help themselves.
“We are initially the handlebars for kids to hold onto,” Roethel said during the first day, in the Somers Middle School library. “Eventually, we want them to hold onto their own handlebars so they can balance themselves.”
Participants said they enjoyed collaborating on the approach and exchanging ideas.
“It helps us to refocus and rethink how we support our students in all aspects,” said Director of Guidance Phil Kavanagh.
Construction and facilities crews have been busy all summer enhancing athletic facilities and preparing the schools and grounds for the students’ return.
Six new tennis courts are being built at Somers High School and are expected to be ready soon. Artificial turf is replacing grass and clay on the high school baseball field and the softball field at Primrose Elementary School. The fields are slated to be completed in December and ready for the spring season.
While those projects are under way by a contractor, the buildings and grounds staff has been busy renovating spaces and sprucing up the schools. Parents and students may notice the improvements the moment they arrive.
“They have curb appeal,” said Director of Facilities Chris McCartney. “People pull up and it looks fresh and clean. The buildings are clean and bright, the floors are shining. The planting beds are all freshly mulched.”
A new set of steps was installed between the high school and Primrose. At Somers Middle School, two large classrooms were split into three offices each and a new air conditioning system now cools the library. At Primrose, a staff lounge was refreshed and crews renovated the speech offices, replacing temporary dividers with permanent walls. At Somers Intermediate School, improvements included reflooring a classroom with a luxury vinyl tile (LVT) surface.
“The entire facilities staff did a tremendous job this summer,” McCartney said.
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June 14, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
I am writing to share that on June 20 I am scheduled to be appointed as the Superintendent of the Katonah-Lewisboro School District. I will start at KLSD in mid-July.
Over the last 14 years, I have had the pleasure of working with an amazing team of educators and community members. Together, we have provided an unparalleled education for the children of Somers.
The students in Somers schools will always hold a special place in my heart, and I wish them the best for the future.
June 7, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Now that our budget has been approved for the next school year, we are turning our focus to a capital project that will ensure our buildings and physical spaces are in good shape for years to come. This project is based on our five-year, Comprehensive Facilities Plan and includes updating our schools to create more engaging learning spaces for students.
In May 2025, the district will ask voters to approve funds for the Capital Bond Project, which will come at no added cost to taxpayers. To learn more about the project and timeline, listen to this episode of Tusker Talk.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
May 31, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
It is a busy time of year at home and school and we have many culminating events over the next few weeks. Students are being celebrated for achievements big and small, collaborative and personal. I encourage you to take some time to think about how your child started the school year and the areas in which they have made progress since September. I find that often we get caught up in the day-to-day details, without taking notice of the overall growth.
We are so proud of our students here in Somers schools and acknowledge their efforts to engage in our school community and beyond.
Have a great weekend!
May 24, 2024
Thank you to everyone in the community who voted on the school budget and the Board of Education trustees. Our budget for the 2024-25 school year passed with an impressive 71% of the vote. The community's continued support of our district and students remains steadfast and we, as educators, are grateful for your partnership.
I hope you enjoy the wonderful weather this Memorial Day weekend, and take time to pay tribute to those who have sacrificed for our country. We will see the students back at school on Wednesday, May 29.
May 17, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
It is concert season in Somers schools. We have been treated to performances at the middle and intermediate schools over the past week, with more to come at Primrose and the high school next week. I'm always impressed with the musical talent among our students, and I am proud to share that the district has been recognized again with the Best Communities for Music Education award. Congratulations!
Tuesday, May 21 is our school budget and Board of Education trustee election. Please vote at the Somers Middle School Gym (lower parking lot) between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.
May 10, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Believe it or not, our second and fifth graders were looking ahead to the fall this week. Supporting our students with transitions from one building to the next is an important way to let them know they belong in the school communities.
Students already at SIS and SMS participated in the orientations, giving tours and answering questions about what the younger students can expect when they move up next year. These visits go a long way toward easing the anxiety around building-to-building transitions. Eighth graders had their Taste of High School event earlier this year.
I hope all moms in our community have a wonderful Mother's Day, filled with love and appreciation.
May 3, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
A group of dedicated high school students has been conducting action research projects on belonging in our schools. These members of the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council have been running focus groups and holding activities to determine what makes students feel they belong in Somers, and how we, as a community, can foster more belongingness.
We are so proud of the work they are doing and their commitment to improving our district for all Somers students. Please click here to read more about their research, and click the picture to hear from some of the students.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Our belonging event on Tuesday, Somers Soars When Everyone Belongs, was a great success. Many thanks to the dozens of participants who collaborated and committed to taking action to increase the feeling of belonging in the Somers community. |
April 26, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
I hope you enjoyed the short school week and that those who are celebrating Passover are spending meaningful and joyous time with their loved ones.
Last week we presented our report on the district's Fiscal Stewardship to the Board of Education. You can view the report here, along with the year's previous reports on our other SCSD Elements of Excellence.
Next week the middle school will hold the first annual Community Project Showcase, an integral component of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. Please come explore the community-based service projects created by each of our eight-graders. Join us in the middle school gym on May 2 at 5:30pm.
Have a great weekend!
April 19, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Our first annual Somers Soars When Everyone Belongs event, co-hosted by the Town of Somers and SCSD, is coming up. Activities will focus on what it means to belong to a community and how we can foster a sense of belonging in each other. Don’t miss this unique opportunity for food, fellowship, and connection. RSVP with the QR code below or email belonging@somersschools.org.
I wish you all a nice long weekend. Prosperity, joy and peace to all during this Passover.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to: fill out the Family Engagement Survey.
Fifth-grade students at Somers Intermediate School were visited by SHS Italian and French students to learn more about taking a language in middle school and high school. Students were introduced to vocabulary, watched short videos, and even sang the alphabet in French.
Second-grade students from Primrose had a ‘howling’ good time at the Wolf Conservation Center. Students learned about the feeding and living conditions of the 23 wolves at WCC, and the precarious endangered status of wolves in the United States.
Second-grade students from Primrose had a ‘howling’ good time at the Wolf Conservation Center. Students learned about the feeding and living conditions of the 23 wolves at WCC, and the precarious endangered status of wolves in the United States.
April 12, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Our students' experience with the solar eclipse was exciting and went off smoothly. The glasses were a big hit, as they allowed the kids to watch the astronomical event safely. As you'll see in the picture below, a group of high school students traveled upstate to see the full eclipse and reported a once-in-a-lifetime thrill.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to fill out the Family Engagement Survey.
Have a great weekend!
>Fifty students from Somers High School made the trip to Schroon Lake, New York. They joined hundreds of other spectators and got to see the total solar eclipse.
Math students at the middle school have a new learning tool in their classroom. Thanks to the Somers Education Foundation, students are using whiteboard tables to solve equations.
Primrose artists worked on a project based on the story "The Dot," by Peter H. Reynolds. In their art classes, they tapped into their creativity by painting a dot of their own design on a table-size paper.
March 28, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Building a strong partnership between our families, schools, and community is the best way to realize the district vision of ensuring each child’s success. Every other year, we ask families to take survey to help us understand how best to support that partnership. The anonymous survey will take about five minutes. After the survey closes on April 19, we will report the findings and share what we have learned.
Your input is critical as we work together to provide our students with the best possible education and move our great district Forward In Excellence. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Click here to take the Family Engagement Survey
Our PTA is busy planning Bus Driver Appreciation Day to say thank you to all the bus drivers, monitors, and transportation staff in our district. Please consider contributing to the celebration via www.Myschoolbucks.com. Select 'School Store' and choose 'Somers PTA Council'. Fill out the short form and then under 'Donation Type', use the dropdown menu to select 'Bus Driver Appreciation'.
Another reminder that a solar eclipse is taking place on our first day back after spring break and will be at its peak during dismissal times. We will be providing all students and staff with NASA-approved glasses to protect their eyes. If you choose to pick up your child early that day, it will be considered an excused absence.
For those who celebrate Easter and/or Ramadan, I hope this weekend brings you joy, renewal, and cherished moments with loved ones. Have a wonderful spring break. See you in April!

Congratulations to two Somers Destination Imagination teams for earning their way to the Global Finals in Kansas City in May. The 6th grade Roomba Republic team (above), won first place at the 2024 NY Affiliate Tournament in Binghamton. The 3rd grade Building Buddies team won second place and was one of two teams in the engineering category to be invited to the Global Finals.
It is Wish Week at Somers High School. Student Council is encouraging students to make a wish to raise money for the Make a Wish Foundation. Wishes have ranged from a delivery of a favorite beverage, to bringing Vader the Therapy Dog to class, to a guaranteed photo of a friend group in the yearbook.
Special guest reader and author Tom Molito read to first-grade students at Primrose. Mr. Molito is the author of Mickey Mantle - Inside and Outside the Lines, as well as grandfather to Thomas (1) and Vincent (Pre-K).
March 22, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Did you know that the official, national recognition of Black History in the United States started with one week in 1926, with the dates chosen in honor of Frederick Douglass’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays? During February in Somers, we are celebrating Black History Month in our schools, including the study of jazz in our seventh-grade chorus classes and collaborative activities during SIS town meetings. Stay tuned to your weekly school newsletters and our social media for other celebrations of important figures in Black history.
Have a great weekend!
March 15, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
At Somers Intermediate School, we have many heroes. They exhibit character traits of honesty, integrity, compassion, empathy, inclusion, kindness, and generosity. Each month, SIS Heroes are nominated and recognized during grade-level town meetings. Please watch this video to hear from just a few of the many heroes walking the halls of SIS.
Best of luck to the students competing in the Regeneron Westchester Science and Engineering Fair right here in Somers this weekend. We are proud to host this marquee event, the largest regional science fair in the country. We are even more proud of our hard-working students! Please stop by the SHS/Primrose campus between 3:30-4:30 pm on Saturday, March 16 for the public viewing of the presentations.
And finally, save the date for our first annual Somers Soars When Everyone Belongs event, co-hosted by the Town of Somers and SCSD. Together, we will participate in small group discussions and activities focused on what it means to belong to a community and how we can foster a sense of belonging in each other. Don’t miss this unique opportunity for food, fellowship, and connection. RSVP with QR code below or email belonging@somersschools.org.
Have a nice weekend.
March 8, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
We are excited to share the three new mascots that have joined the Somers family! The Primrose and SIS elephants have been updated, and for the first time, the middle school has its very own mascot. Keep an eye out for new swag from your building PTAs.
A reminder that next Wednesday 3/13 is a half day for students. Primrose and SIS will hold conferences and SMS and SHS will participate in professional learning.
Don't forget to spring forward this weekend for daylight saving time. I'm sure we'll all be a little bleary-eyed on Monday morning!
March 1, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Over February break we altered the procedure to activate a lockdown in our schools to make accidental activations less likely. All faculty and staff have been notified of this change and our safety and security officer is following up to ensure that each employee in our district is aware of the new process. I realize how traumatic these accidental lockdowns have been for students, teachers, staff, and families. We are committed to doing better.
On a different note, I have been looking forward to sharing with you a wonderful example of our focus on belonging here in Somers schools. This story starts two years ago when then-first grader Isabella Villareale shared her love of softball during the Expert Fair at Primrose. I was so impressed with her passion for and knowledge of the sport that I enlisted her help when we started planning improvements to the softball field. Fast forward to two weeks ago, when Isabella, now in third grade, visited my office to review the final drawings for the field she hopes to compete on in high school. Joining us were three SHS softball players, Katherine Papa, Katie Cole, and Emily Boyle, who came with handmade gifts and a special invitation for Isabella - a request that she accompany them in the dugout during a game this spring as their ball girl. The joy in the room was palpable, as was the sense that everyone in the room belongs to this supportive, caring community. The connection forged between the older girls and Isabella will likely have an impact on all of them for years to come. My deepest gratitude to the high school students for welcoming Isabella to their team, and to Isabella for bringing her enthusiasm to this project.
A reminder that tomorrow is a professional learning day for teachers. Students have the day off.
Have a great weekend!
February 16, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Happy February break! Dozens of students and their families packed the high school library at our recent International Baccalaureate (IB) information night. Teachers and current IB Diploma candidates were on hand to share their experiences and answer questions about the classes and the program. We have also been hosting visitors from various schools who are interested in learning about our implementation of the IB framework.
In other exciting IB news, representatives from the IB organization were so impressed with the high school's newly created Tusker 101 class for freshmen that they are interested in replicating the class for other IB schools. Stay tuned for a video that describes what students learn in this innovative, supportive class. Congratulations to all our teachers and students for their excellent work.
I hope you enjoy the time off from school and do something you love!
February 9, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
We have been focusing on digital citizenship and online safety this month. For example, our SIS fourth graders are learning simple steps for staying safe online, including turning off the chat feature in apps and games, guarding personal information, and keeping their location private. Middle school and high school students, along with some teachers, participated in a workshop with Digital4Good/ICANHELP, an organization that trains students to work with their peers on digital safety, citizenship, literacy, and wellness. Read below to learn what they will do with this important information.
Enjoy the weekend!
February 2, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Did you know that the official, national recognition of Black History in the United States started with one week in 1926, with the dates chosen in honor of Frederick Douglass’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays? During February in Somers, we are celebrating Black History Month in our schools, including the study of jazz in our seventh-grade chorus classes and collaborative activities during SIS town meetings. Stay tuned to your weekly school newsletters and our social media for other celebrations of important figures in Black history.
Have a great weekend!
January 26, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
I had the good fortune of visiting with some third graders this week. We had a fantastic discussion about self-regulation. What impressed me most was the reflective language the students used to describe how to manage emotions and the skills they put into practice regularly. Our teachers and staff are doing an excellent job helping our students develop healthy, life-long habits.
Congratulations to our high school students on wrapping up quarter two. It is hard to believe that we are at the halfway point of the school year!
Have a great weekend!
January 19, 2024
Dear Somers Families,
Winter has certainly arrived in force! With the recent delays and cancelations in mind, I would like to take the opportunity to share with you how we decide to delay or close schools due to weather.
We consult with our contracted meteorologist before and during the storm to gather information about weather patterns and their timing. We discuss road conditions with the Somers Highway Department and take into consideration the commuting safety of our teachers and staff, as well as the 200+ high school students who drive to school. We are also in constant communication with other school districts in our region.
If necessary, our buildings and grounds team comes in early to make the roads and sidewalks safe and to prepare the buildings.
Our district calendar accommodates three days of emergency school closure. So far this school year we have closed twice. After closing for a third day, school days will be made up in the following order:
May 28, April 5, April 4, April 3.
We will only switch to remote learning in unusual circumstances, such as a late spring storm after April break.
Thank you for your partnership and support.
Have a great weekend!
January 12, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Many of our students, families, and community members took part in our journey last year to reexamine and refine the district's mission, vision, and collective commitments. District and school leaders engaged in collaborative discussions with dozens of stakeholders to identify existing strengths and aspirations for moving forward as an educational community. The resulting SCSD 2030 Plan for Excellence can be found here. We also identified "evidence of excellence" in this strategic planning process for each of the six elements of our district vision. These specific examples will be used as an achievement roadmap to help us measure our milestones and progress in educating the children of Somers.
The process reinforced our commitment as a community to excellence for all and the International Baccalaureate framework. Please take some time to look through the Plan for Excellence and examine the evidence of excellence. We will share a status update on our progress at the end of the school year.
As we head into the long weekend honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. and the National Day of Service, I will reflect on his legacy of courage, determination, and equality, and give thanks for his sacrifice and the impact one man had on so many.
January 5. 2024
Dear Somers Families,
We have enjoyed welcoming our students to 2024 this week. There have been discussions about setting goals for the new year, planning for the upcoming third quarter, and, of course, helping our Class of 2024 prepare for their roles as graduates.
I want to share two exciting announcements. Our hiring committee has selected Pete Rodrigues as the new principal of Somers High School. Mr. Rodrigues is currently an assistant principal at SHS, and pending Board of Education approval, he will take the reins when Mark Bayer retires at the end of this school year.
At the middle school, our hiring committee has selected Jennifer Mangone as the new principal of SMS. Mrs. Mangone has been the interim principal since the start of this school year and will step into the role officially, pending Board of Education approval.
We are thrilled with the selection of the two outstanding educators.
Have a great weekend!
December 22, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
As we head into December break, I want you to know what wonderful, giving students we have here in Somers. Students have been holding fundraisers and coat drives, making blankets, collecting pet food, and sharing the gift of music, all in the spirit of the holidays. I am so proud of our community-minded students, and the enthusiasm with which they help people in need. Click here for a taste of the music performed by our middle school advanced choir, bell choir, and chamber orchestra.
I hope you and your loved ones have a relaxing week off from school, filled with love and the spirit of the season.
Classes resume on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. See you next year!
December 15, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
For the second time in two weeks, we experienced an accidental lockdown in the district. I know how anxiety-provoking these incidents have been for many of our students, faculty, staff, and families. That yesterday's lockdown at the middle school happened on the anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy made matters even more distressing.
The SHS lockdown was caused by human error, but it revealed an opportunity to improve the security software. The SMS lockdown was an accidental dialing of the code on a classroom phone. We are working with our safety and security consultants to see what else we might improve about our systems and practices to avoid such occurrences while maintaining the utmost protection for our school community.
We are providing extra emotional support for our SMS family. If there is anything that might help your child or you, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
December 8, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
We welcomed veterans and their families to a brunch run by our student government at Somers High School this week. This annual tradition is a wonderful way to honor our local veterans, and for our students to connect with them and hear their important stories.
Our very own SHS football team brought home the State Championship for the second year in a row. Congratulations to the entire football community for this incredible achievement. Go Tuskers!
We are celebrating Inclusive Schools Week in all of our buildings. This year's theme is "Draw Me In". Participating in art provides a pathway to self-discovery, and sharing art opens doors to understanding and respecting different ways of thinking. Our students are participating in a variety of activities this week to facilitate a sense of belonging for everyone.
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Hanukkah to those who are celebrating!
November 30, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to relax and spend time with family and friends. We are back in action in Somers schools. This weekend the SHS Drama Club presents The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, starring our very own principal, Mr. Bayer. Break a leg, players!
On Saturday our football team will play in the State Championship game for the third year in a row. The game starts at 3 pm at the JMA Dome at Syracuse University. Go Tuskers!
Have a great weekend.
November 17, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
We held a successful MYP Parent night at the middle school this week. Thank you to the families who participated in the workshop to learn about the Middle Years Programme framework. The event was facilitated in the MYP style, the same that students experience in the classroom. The feedback from families was excellent.
Parents appreciated the "great examples of scenarios where MYP concepts have been used" and "the clear and concise answers" to questions about the framework.
Congratulations to the SHS football team for winning its third consecutive Section 1 Championship. They play again tonight against Averill Park at 7pm at Mahopac High School. Go Tuskers!
I hope you enjoy your weekend.
![]() SEPTA has brought a fresh new take on recess with Recess Refresh at Somers Intermediate School. Piloted at Primrose last year, community volunteers provide extra hands-on activities and facilitate group-play during recess a few times a month. |
![]() Congratulations to these seniors for signing letters of intent to play their sport at the Division 1 level in college: Nick Newman (Iona University/lacrosse), Molly Fink (Holy Cross/lacrosse), Chloe Monachelli (Ryder University/tennis), Annie Maguire (Fordham University/soccer), Julia Wilkinson (Cornell/diving), Isabella Milojevic (Marist College/track), and Mac Sullivan (Townson University/lacrosse) |
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November 9, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Tomorrow is a day off from school in observance of Veteran's Day, a day set aside to thank and honor those who have served our country in the military, in both wartime and peace. I encourage you to attend the Somers Veteran's Day Parade on Saturday. It starts at 10:15am and many of our students will be participating, include our SMS/SHS Fife and Drum Club, and our SMS Advanced Choir.
On Thursday next week, we are holding our annual Tusker U Wellness Summit. This year's topic is executive functioning. Could your child benefit from developing skills to help plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks? This program is designed to help parents understand executive functioning and learn strategies to use at home. Students are welcome! Before the program, we are holding a wellness fair which will feature community organizations and wellness providers who support children's well-being. Please see the flyer below for more information and rsvp here.
We are celebrating many athletic achievements at the high school this week. Best of luck to our girls soccer team who won Sectionals and play in the NY State semi-finals game against Spencerport on Saturday. For the first time ever, our boys and girls cross country teams won the Westchester County Championships. Headed to the state tournaments for their respective sports are Mia Sandolo (cross county) and Julia Wilkinson (diving). Congratulations to all!
November 3, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Our commitment to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme is as strong as ever, as we establish within the district an internationally recognized educational framework for kindergarten through 12th grade.
Somers Middle School is now an accredited IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), and this year all eighth grade students will participate in the Community Project. This immersive experience focuses on community and service, encouraging students to explore their right and responsibility to implement service as action in the community. We are excited to see what our students choose to pursue and create.
The middle school is holding an MYP Parent Night on Wednesday, November 15. Please join us to learn about the program and get a first-hand experience in what it's like to learn in the MYP style. See flyer below.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday!
Superintendent of Schools
![]() Students at SIS are exploring the Spanish language as Spanish teachers push into their classes. Student learn vocabulary, play games, have informal conversations, and earn "Yo dije" (I said) tickets to win small prizes. |
![]() As part of their CAS (Creativity, Activity, and Service) Project for the IB Diploma, seniors Olivia Sherman and Sofia DiMella created "IB Buddies". They paired the Year 1 Diploma candidates with IB seniors, who serve as mentors to the juniors. |
October 27, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
I hope you've had a wonderful week. While fall isn't really in the air outside, the autumn traditions are swirling in our schools. From pumpkin seed math to pumpkin and scarecrow decorating contests, our students are embracing the season and all the opportunities it brings. Please visit our Facebook and Instagram pages for more pictures and activities taking place around Somers schools.
Have a great weekend!
October 20, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
I hope this finds you well. We have been discussing what it means to "belong" in a community in our schools this year. We want every child, teacher, and staff member to feel valued, heard, and that they have a voice that matters to those around them. On Wednesday, we wore orange for Unity Day to bring attention to anti-bullying efforts. Students participated in activities that focus on kindness and valuing others.
At next Tuesday's Board of Education meeting, we will present an update on our Social, Emotional, and Physical Wellness progress in the district. This report highlights programs that are used in our classrooms, the resources available to students, and - my favorite part - videos of students and teachers talking about why this work is vital to the success and well-being of our students.
We are celebrating two exceptional students at the high school this week. Angelina Ayoubi has been named valedictorian and Anthony Fusco has been named salutatorian of the class of 2024. Congratulations!
Have a wonderful weekend.
October 13, 2023
Dear Somers Families, This has been a difficult week for many of us in Somers, as we process what is happening in the Middle East. We have been keeping a close eye on the wellness of our students, and provided teachers with resources to help them facilitate discussions that arise. If your child needs any extra assistance, please do not hesitate to call the building principal or reach out to your child's teachers or counselors. There has been an increase in antisemitic and other hateful language in New York since the attacks on Israel last weekend and it is critical that we come together as a community to condemn any hateful behavior or symbolism and care for each other as we do in times of trouble. We are here to support all of our kids and we are grateful for the partnership with Somers families. I will be keeping those who are scared and hurting, and those who have personal or cultural ties to the region in my heart this weekend, and as always, wishing for peace.
October 6, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Welcome to the start of another long weekend! As a reminder, we are off on Monday for Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day, and on Tuesday all students are off while teachers participate in a day of professional learning.
We have started conducting safety drills at each school. Our principals, teachers, and staff think carefully about how to best prepare our students for these procedures while ensuring that we are practicing how to keep everyone safe. If you have any questions about the drills, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or building principal.
Have a wonderful weekend.
September 29, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
We have been investigating an incident in which swastikas were drawn on a fence at the high school. The use of bias-based symbolism and intolerance in our schools is unacceptable. We are particularly saddened that this incident occurred on the heels of the most holy days of the Jewish faith and have reached out to local Jewish faith leaders to express our regrets.
We appreciate the actions of the student who brought this to our attention. Families of the students who were responsible for the graffiti have been informed and the students will be disciplined according to the code of conduct.
We recognize that symbols that hold so much power and represent so much evil can draw the curiosity of young adults who are attempting to make meaning of the world around them. I ask that you take some time over the next few days to discuss with your child how the use of hate speech and symbols can have a profoundly negative effect. Since these conversations are sometimes challenging, we want to share several resources to help you navigate the discussion:
· The American Psychological Association offers strategies and examples for talking about racism and hate speech with children at different ages and developmental stages.
· Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) created a video for high school and middle school students that explains the brutal history of the swastika symbol.
Thank you for your partnership.
September 22, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
We are ushering in the first days of fall with Homecoming Weekend. The high school had a blast during Spirit Week, and our teams are gearing up for the many games, meets, and matches that are scheduled. Many of our student-athletes fanned out at the middle and elementary schools this morning to greet the younger students. There were many smiles and high-fives. Please come watch the contests this weekend and cheer on our Tuskers!
The district is putting together a Superintendent's Student Advisory Council for high school students to enrich the school experience for all. Please see the flyer attached to this email and encourage your high school student to apply.
This is a long weekend in observation of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement in the Jewish religion. Shana tova to our families observing this weekend. We look forward to seeing the students again on Tuesday, September 26.
Have a great weekend.
September 14, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
It is finally starting to feel like fall outside! I hope you are able to spend your long weekend relaxing and enjoying time with loved ones.
Our open houses are well underway and our teachers are enjoying meeting with students' families. Thank you for taking the time to visit with your child's teachers and learn more about your child's school experience. It means so much to the children to know that their families are engaged in their school lives.
On Monday, our schools recognized the anniversary of September 11th. At the middle school, students created a Survivor Tree, an educational activity designed by the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
Tomorrow, schools are closed in observation of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. We wish our Somers families who celebrate the holiday L’Shanah Tovah!
Students created a Survivor Tree, based on a pear tree that survived the 9/11 attacks. On the the leaves are inspiring quotes that have bolstered students during tough times. |
September 8, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Our new school year is underway and what a great week it has been! We have seen so many smiling faces as students and teachers reconnect with each other and make new friends.
I know it is always a challenge to get back into the swing of things and reestablish routines at the start of the school year. I hope things in your household have gone smoothly. If we can help support your children in any way, please reach out to their teachers or building administrators. Below are a few pictures from the Senior Sunrise and first day of school.
We look forward to another fantastic year in Somers schools!
- June 23, 2023
- June 16, 2023
- June 9, 2023
- June 2, 2023
- May 25, 2023
- May 19, 2023
- May 12, 2023
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- April 21, 2023
- April 14, 2023
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- March 24, 2023
- March 17, 2023
- March 10, 2023
- March 3, 2023
- February 17, 2023
- February 10, 2023
- February 3, 2023
- January 27, 2023
- January 20, 2023
- January 13, 2023
- January 6, 2023
- December 22, 2022
- December 16, 2022
- December 9, 2022
- December 2, 2022
- November 23, 2022
- November 11, 2022
- November 4, 2022
- October 28, 2022
- October 21, 2022
- October 14, 2022
- October 7, 2022
June 23, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Happy Summer! As students put away their notebooks and computers, and teachers pack up their classrooms, there is a bittersweet feeling in the air. Lots of excitement, yes, after a year spent growing personally and academically, students are ready to move on to the next chapter. But there is also a sense of wistfulness as we transition away from routines and relationships that we built and relied upon throughout the year.
Perhaps the biggest change is felt by our graduates, the Class of 2023. Many of our seniors have spent all 13 years with us in Somers schools and we have delighted in watching them evolve and mature. We are so proud of these resilient, hard-working, creative, kind, adventurous, passionate students. My hope is that they know they are always a part of the Somers family and we look forward to seeing what their futures hold.
Enjoy your summer. We can't wait to see all the students in the fall!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
June 16, 2023
June 9, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
This has been a challenging week, as many highly anticipated activities were postponed due to the smoke in the air from the Canadian wildfires. Thank you for your flexibility and patience. I know many children were disappointed and I'm so glad we were able to return to the great outdoors today! We have already rescheduled some events and will continue to fit in as many of these special occasions as possible.
A big congratulations to our high school girls 4x400 relay team. The runners qualified for the New York State Finals for the first time in school history. Good luck this weekend!
Have a great weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
June 2, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
This short week was packed with many end-of-year activities, from the Memorial Day Parade, to the National Junior Honor Society Ceremonies, to the fan-favorite Authors Day at SIS.
Thank you to our teachers and staff for their tireless efforts to recognize and celebrate our students, and to all the parent volunteers for their participation in our many events.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
May 25, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Our eighth grade trip to Washington, D.C., resumed after a few years off. Our students were excellent ambassadors for Somers and had a great time visiting the landmarks and monuments. It was a fitting trip and great reminder leading up to Memorial Day.
On this Memorial Day, please join me in remembering and honoring those who gave everything for our country. We are grateful for their sacrifice and strive to uphold the values they fought for.
A reminder that Tuesday is a half-day of school for students, and then a half day of professional learning for teachers.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
May 19, 2023
Thank you to everyone who voted on Tuesday. Once again, our school budget passed. Those results are a testament to the strong support the residents of Somers have given our schools for many years.
Voters also approved access to the Capital Reserve Fund, which means we can proceed with the athletic facility upgrades. We are waiting for the State of New York to approve the plans, and then the project goes out to bid. We hope to start construction in the fall.
We are grateful for your support and partnership.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
May 12, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
I hope you have had a nice week. Our participating eighth grade students did a great job presenting their Capstone Projects last night. For this MYP initiative, students identify a community issue they want to explore in depth. We are so proud of the students who chose to pilot this project, and we look forward to bringing it to the entire eighth grade next year. It is a great example of how our students become engaged global citizens.
As you flip through your mail this weekend, please note that in the Trunkline Budget Newsletter section about the Capital Reserve Fund Proposition, there is a numerical typo. The final sentence should read "The district is seeking voter approval to expend a sum not to exceed $7 million from the Capital Reserve Fund." For many more details about the proposed budget and Board of Education trustee candidates, visit this page on our website.
The polls will open on Tuesday, May 16 at 7 a.m. in the Somers Middle School gym. Hope to see you there!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
May 3, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
We are only a week and a half away from the vote on the school budget for next year. To help you make an informed decision, we have put many resources about the proposed budget on our website. These include a video overview, a discussion with community members, presentations to the Board of Education, a forum including all four BOE Trustee candidates, and voting information. Please also look for the annual Trunkline Budget Newsletter in your mailbox in the coming days.
Have a great weekend!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
April 28, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
I hope you had the opportunity to attend last night's Festival of the Arts. This annual art show highlights the creativity of students from kindergarten through 12th grade, and the artwork this year was outstanding. Stayed tuned for pictures on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
A reminder that our proposed school budget vote and trustee election is coming up on May 16. For information on what is in the budget, please watch this video. The Trunkline Budget Newsletter also provides details and will be in your mailboxes next week.
Enjoy your weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
Committed athletes:
April 21, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
I want to close out this week by celebrating the achievements of some of our students and programs.
Somers High School has named a second salutatorian for the class of 2023. Due to the discovery of a computing error, Senior Kaeleigh Picco joins Andrew Tatela as a co-salutatorian. Picco is an IB Diploma candidate, a science research student, a member of the Student Athletic Council, secretary of the 2023 class board, and vice president of the National Honor Society. She runs on the track and cross country teams, has been a part of Model UN, the Human Rights Club, the Current Events Club, the varsity lacrosse team, the choir and chamber choir, as well as Disney in Concert and Broadway in Concert.
Senior MC Ramirez has won the Questbridge scholarship, an award that provides full tuition for four years to one of 48 top tier schools in the country. MC is one of 1755 winners out of 17,900 applicants nationwide and the first ever Somers recipient. She’ll be attending Washington University in St. Louis.
Seventh grader Kailee Chandra and eighth grader Djin Thornton were selected by the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center to be featured in a performance of the best young chamber ensembles in the tristate area.
And finally, for the 8th straight year, Somers schools have received a "Best Communities for Music Education" distinction. Clearly, our music programs are hitting all the right notes!
Congratulations to all of these wonderful students!
Have a nice weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
April 14, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Please join me in congratulating Linda Belger, who has been chosen as the new principal for Somers Intermediate School. Mrs. Belger has been the assistant principal at SIS for four years, and before that worked as an instructional coach and teacher in Somers since 2004. Her official appointment will take place at the Board of Education meeting next week.
Please note that May 30, 2023, is now a half day of school for all students. The calendar change is due to NY State requirements for student contact days related to the snow day on March 15, on which staff reported to work for professional learning and parent-teacher conferences.
Have a great weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
March 31, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
As we head into spring break, I want to take a moment to let you know how grateful I am for the partnership of our families and community. For all of us, children are the number one priority. There is nothing more important than keeping our schools, students, and staff safe. In light of the false reports that sent some schools in our area into lockdown on Thursday, I want to remind you of the many safety measures in place in the district. We are constantly evaluating and improving our security protocols, and the graphic below details some of the measures we have implemented in our schools. Incidents such as the one yesterday, even though a hoax, can be extremely upsetting. We also have wellness teams on call in each school, ready to assist and support any student or staff member who might need support.
I wish you and your family a relaxing and rejuvenating week ahead.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
March 24, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
We had some highs and lows in our district this week.
We hosted the Regeneron Westchester Engineering and Science Fair (WESEF) awards ceremony last night at the high school. All 15 Somers students who presented at WESEF won awards. To learn more and to watch the ceremony, check out our Facebook page here. Congratulations to our Science Research students and to teacher Bill Maelia for facilitating a successful fair, as well as his tireless efforts in leading our Science Research program.
Tonight is the opening night of The Wedding Singer at the high school. Show times are Friday at 7:30pm, Saturday at 7:30pm, and Sunday at 2pm. Click here for tickets. Break a leg, SHS Drama Club!
We also faced a serious challenge this week when high school students in an English class discovered extremely disturbing racist language and images drawn on the back cover of a text they are reading. The students were profoundly upset and we are grateful to them for immediately notifying the teacher.
The incident is being investigated, and our administrators, along with the teacher of the class, have met with the students affected, as well as connected with the families of all students in the class to explain what happened and to provide any support that is needed. Incidents like this disturb us at our core and violate the sense of safety that all students in our schools are due. Thank you to our parents for your ongoing partnership in helping us teach our children that every single child in Somers is a valued part of our community and deserves respect and dignity.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
March 17, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
I hope the children enjoyed their two, consecutive snow days this week! Today, our hallways were a sea of green in honor of St. Patrick's Day . Primrose was welcomed to school this morning by Irish Step dancers who are current and former Primrose students.
Somers is host this weekend to the Regeneron Westchester Science & Engineering Fair (WESEF) - one of the largest regional high school science competitions in the country. There will be a public viewing session for the community from 3:00-4:30pm on Saturday, March 18. All are invited and encouraged to join us to view the tremendous work being done by our science research students.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
March 10, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
A group of students, faculty, and administrators gave a presentation about the Middle Years Programme to the Board of Education on Tuesday evening. It was wonderful to hear the students share the benefits MYP from their own perspectives and with such poise. I can't thank our teachers and middle school administrators enough for the years of hard work and focus they applied to securing MYP accreditation.
The SMS Drama Club opened its production of The Lion King, Jr. last night to great applause. More than 100 students have worked on this show and the results are impressive!
On Saturday, Somers will hold a parade to recognize our New York State Class A championship football team. The parade will begin at 1p at Van Tassell Park and will continue along Primrose Street into the high school entrance. Join us for a celebration in the gym directly after the parade.
Finally, don't forget to turn your clock ahead by one hour on Sunday!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
March 3, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Happy March! I hope the children enjoyed their first snow day of the year on Tuesday. As you can see below, the students at SIS finally got to break out the sleds for physical education class.
As part of our commitment to keeping the school community safe, all faculty and staff participated in a session on safety drills and procedures at the start of our Professional Learning Day today. The workshop was led by our Safety and Security Coordinator, Dan Corrado, and the Westchester County Police Department. After the districtwide training, teachers went back to their buildings to participate in professional development and curriculum planning.
I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
February 17, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
As we head into our February break, I would like to send a big congratulations to our high school winter athletes who have made it to the state, and in some cases, national, championships in their sports:
Girls Winter Track - Haylie Donovan, Isabella Milojevic, Lindsay Gill, Keira Cleary, Chelsea Lewitt, Julia Aquilino
Boys Winter Track - Luke Armstrong, Matt Hirsch, Andrew Fasone, Jaden Abreu, Jared Googel
Wrestling - Ryan Ball
Gymnastics - Georgia Nekos
Dive and Swim - Jay Wilkinson
The students, faculty, and staff at the high school celebrated these student-athletes on Wednesday with a Tusker Clap Out as they head to the state level. You can click on the link below to watch the procession.
I hope our students spend time next week relaxing and recharging, ready to head back to school with renewed energy on Monday, February 27. Have a great break!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
February 10, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Our schools are celebrating Black History Month in a variety of ways, in many different subject areas. While we do not confine the study of Black history to a single month, February provides us the opportunity to highlight stories of struggle, perseverance, accomplishment, and everyday greatness of Black Americans.
Congratulations to SHS senior Georgia Nekos, a member of our merged Sectional Championship gymnastics squad, who also qualified for the State Championships and was named to the Section 1 Sportsmanship Team. We are proud of you!
Have a great weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
February 3, 2023
Dear Somers Families, Police departments in our area are warning families about a social media extortion scam that is targeting children (see attached letter in Parent Square). Incidents have occurred in Westchester County. The extortion involves befriending a child on social media, asking for explicit pictures, and then blackmailing the child for money or gift cards. Our SCSD Safety and Security Coordinator is in contact with area law enforcement officers about this issue and is keeping the district informed. |
January 27, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Our band and orchestra students in grades seven through 12 gathered at the high school this week to learn from each other and perform together. Click here to watch these talented musicians play.
Congratulations to the following Somers High School seniors who were selected to exhibit their work at The Young Artist Exhibition at the Katonah Museum of Art: David Bonato, Sam Cox, Vivian Kalman, Kyler Linares, Hannah Maguire, Sophie Moore, Taylor Morrissey, Jay Seaboldt, Jett Sofko, Sharika Szabo, Grace Williams, and Georgia Nekos.
Have a nice weekend!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
January 20, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Chorus students from SIS and the middle school were given the opportunity to learn from and perform with chorus students at the high school on Thursday. The younger students were thrilled with the experience and the older students loved mentoring and singing with the younger Tuskers. Click here to watch all 200 singers perform "I Sing Because I'm Happy."
Have a great weekend!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
January 13, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Our eighth grade parents attended orientation this week for their children's transition to high school next year. It was wonderful to be able to hold the event in person again. Please mark your calendars for the high school's curriculum night on Thursday, January 19. This evening is an opportunity to learn about the new classes that will be offered at the high school next year, as well as the various paths of study.
Congratulations to our student musicians on a beautiful band and guitar concert Wednesday at the high school.
Monday is a day of service and reflection in honor of Dr. Luther King, Jr., and his legacy of peace and love. This MLK day I will take time to think about his quote,
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?"
We’ll see everyone back on Tuesday at school.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
January 6, 2023
Dear Somers Families,
Welcome to 2023! I hope the week off from school was relaxing and refreshing. Teachers and students have jumped right back into their classrooms with renewed purpose and positive engagement.
We are looking forward to the months to come. Have a wonderful weekend!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
December 22, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
What a wonderful December it has been in our schools! I have loved every minute of the winter concerts and performances, dress-up spirit days, and seeing our students giving back to our community.
Congratulations to our Somers Special Olympics Team, awarded Training Club of the Year by Hudson Valley Special Olympics. The team was recognized for its enthusiasm, dedication, participation, and support of Special Olympics.
I wish you and your family a relaxing and joyful week of vacation. Merry Christmas to our Somers families who celebrate, and Happy New Year to all!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
December 16, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
With the December holidays upon us, our schools are bustling with concerts, assemblies, and special classroom events. It is always heart warming to see the excitement in our students’ eyes as they participate in long-standing and new traditions in our buildings. Our students are also embodying the spirit of a global citizen by helping neighbors in need.
The Primrose community is collecting for Toys for Tots. Intermediate school students made dog treats and collected and wrapped books and pajamas for local organizations. At the middle school and high school, students are gathering food, new socks, and toys for families that can use some extra help this holiday season.
Happy Hanukkah to our Somers families who celebrate the Festival of Light, which begins on Sunday.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
December 9, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
This week, the New York State Education Department and the Department of Health sent a letter to all school districts warning of the confluence of illnesses striking many communities. The State reports that positive flu tests have nearly tripled over the last three weeks, and hospitalizations for the flu have more than doubled. We ask that you please take extra precautions to reduce the spread in Somers of the flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), including frequent hand washing and keeping your children home if they do not feel well. You can read the full letter and recommendations from the State here.
This week our students participated in Inclusive Schools Week with many eye-opening and team-building activities. Each school organized events and lessons that helped students understand and celebrate our differences.
The high school held the annual Veterans Brunch, welcoming members of the military and their family members. It is a wonderful event that gives our students the opportunity to both learn from and honor our military veterans.
I hope you have a healthy and relaxing weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
December 2, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
It is an exciting weekend for our varsity football team and our high school drama club, each with big events.
The football team heads to Syracuse for the Class A State Championship game for the second year in a row. Our Section 1 champs take on Union-Endicott (Section IV) at 3 p.m. on Saturday at the JMA Wireless Dome. Good luck to the team and thank you to the fans for their support. Let's show our Somers Pride with great sportsmanship and loud cheers. See video of the team's send-off below.
The SHS Drama Club presents the play Night of the Living Dead this weekend, with three productions:
Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 7 p.m., and a matinee on Sunday at 2 p.m. Order your tickets here. Break a leg!
Good luck to all this weekend. Have fun and remember, We are Somers!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
November 23, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
Our schools have been full of Thanksgiving festivities this week, including our very own balloon parade, turkey crafts, and a great deal of generosity during the food drive for St. Luke’s Food Pantry.
When I count my blessings tomorrow at our Thanksgiving table, I will be especially grateful for my wonderful family and their love, as well as my Somers family. I wish you and your family much love and laughter, rest and relaxation.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
November 11, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
There is no school today in honor of American veterans who fought for this country. Please join me in taking a moment to reflect on their sacrifices and dedication to our rights and freedoms.
Section 1 Champs Head to States
Congratulations to our girls cross country team on winning the Section 1 championship for the first time in Somers history! Eight runners also qualified to compete in the NY State championships this weekend, along with boys' team member, Christian Wissa. Diver Julia Wilkinson was one of the top finishers in diving Sectionals and heads to the state meet next weekend. We are so proud of these hard-working, talented athletes.
MYP Accreditation Visit
Congratulations to the middle school on hosting the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme accreditation representatives. Visitors from the IB organization spent two days meeting with students, parents, and administrators, observing lessons, and touring the building. By all accounts the visit was a great success. We expect to hear about accreditation status in the coming weeks. In other excellent IB news...we received word that the high school received its five-year re-accreditation for the IB Diploma Programme.
Varsity Bowling Team
Did you know that Somers High School is starting a varsity bowling team? This co-ed team will practice at Cortlandt Lanes. A mandatory meeting will be held this Monday, November 14, in the athletic office during community lunch. All are welcome!
I hope you have a restful, long weekend.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
November 4, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
It has been a challenging week in some respects, and as we look ahead to Veteran's Day one week from today, I am grateful for the men and women who sacrificed everything to afford us the privilege of freely sharing opinions and expressing our views. We are forever in their debt.
Last night was the Tusker University Wellness Summit, opened by the author of the CoVitality Survey, Dr. Michael Furlong. Families examined the results of their individual students' CoVitality Survey to better understand the child's areas of strength and opportunities for growth. The breakout sessions provided even more resources to explore simple and effective strategies for improving the below CoVitality domains:
- Belief-in-Self
- Belief-in-Others
- Emotional Competence
- Engaged Living
Please keep an eye out for a message from the Counseling Department, sharing the resources that were presented. Many thanks to our volunteers and community partners who donated time and raffle prizes.
Don't forget to turn your clocks back on Sunday!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
October 28, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
I hope you had a wonderful week. As you can see below, there are many and various events, activities, and achievements going on in our schools. We are fortunate to have such talented, dedicated educators who bring out the best in our students.
Our district was featured on local news stations this week for our Bus Patrol pilot program. Through this program, cameras are installed on 59 of our buses and record motorists who pass buses when they are stopped with their red lights flashing. In the last two months alone, almost 300 such incidents were recorded in Somers. We are hoping Westchester County adopts this program, which comes at no cost to the district, as an important step in keeping our students safe.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
October 21, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
On this Friday, I would like to share with you a story that has been on my mind all week - one that illustrates integrity and honesty in some of our Somers students.
Last weekend, during a boys cross country meet, officials made a disqualification call during the race that would have given Somers High School the league championship. Coach Mike Lacko and team members had witnessed the move in question, and knew that call was made in error. Rather than go home with the trophy, the coach and captains shared their information with officials, and, as a result, the league championship went to another school.
I am so proud of our upstanding student-athletes and their coaches for their principled decision. Their integrity and excellent sportsmanship are shining examples of our district's values and how we wish to be represented.
Enjoy your weekend!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
October 14, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
It was a short week but students certainly packed in a lot of learning. See the pictures below for a small sample of what happened in our schools over the last three days.
Some highlights from the professional learning day on Tuesday:
- Teachers shared ideas for the district's success plan and defined what forward in excellence looks like over the next five to eight years.
- The high school faculty spent the day in training for the Middle Years Programme.
- The English as a New Language (ENL) team worked with teachers in all four schools to enhance support for ENL students.
Please join me on Monday at DeCicco's from 9:30am to 10:30am for coffee and conversation. The next gathering will be scheduled during the evening to accommodate different schedules.
Have a great weekend!
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
October 7, 2022
Dear Somers Families,
Happy Friday! We are continuing to grow and integrate the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs in our middle and high schools to achieve the district's goals of instilling 21st Century Knowledge and Skills, Social, Emotional and Physical Wellness, and Global Citizenship.
This week we completed the required, five year IB Diplomma Programme re-accreditation process at the high school, expertly led by IB Coordinator Alison Scanlon. Some of the best feedback we received was from SHS students, who told IB representatives that the district is serving students, and they feel seen, heard, supported, and they appreciate it.
The middle school will begin its IB Middle Years Programme accreditation process early next month.
A reminder that there is no school on Monday, October 10, and Tuesday, October 11 is a professional learning day so students have the day off. I hope you can take some time during this long weekend to relax with your loved ones, and enjoy the fun, outside activities that come with the changing of the seasons.
Dr. Raymond H. Blanch
Superintendent of Schools
For more pictures and updates on events and programs in Somers Schools, like the SCSD Facebook page.
Harry LeFevre
Interim Superintendent of Schools
914-277-2400 ext. 5103
Nancy Corrado
Administrative Assistant / District Clerk:
For more pictures and updates on events and programs in Somers Schools, like the SCSD Facebook page.