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Guidance & Counseling

There are many innovative and proactive approaches in Somers schools that support our students’ academic success and social and emotional wellness to prepare them to succeed beyond the walls of our schools. Programs and skills are developmentally appropriate and flexible, and designed to engage students according to their unique needs.

Our wellness teams teach and model for all students the life-long skills of self-regulation, self-management, and effective social engagement. Our school counselors strive to develop trusting and supportive relationships with each of our students and families in Somers. Through the development of life-long social emotional skills, we will positively affect students' availability to learn, students' school and personal behaviors, and students' connectedness to their school community. We seek to create a school experience where each student is valued, recognized, and cared for; and in turn, each student will recognize their own value with our school community

Administration Contact Information


Phil Kavanagh
Director of School Counseling & Student Support
(914) 248-8585 x4303