Policy Committee
Policy Committee Charter
Board members on the Policy Committee are Dr. Ifay Chang, Patrick Varbero and Dominick DeMartino
Background & Role
As the Board’s primary responsibility is to set policy, in an effort to bring up to date the policies of the Board of Education of the Somers Central School District, the Board of Education wishes to establish a Policy Committee.
The purpose of the Policy Committee is to:
- Review existing Board policies and regulations to ensure consistency with legal obligations and current educational and operations philosophy of the district.
- Determine whether changes or modifications are necessary.
- Consider and evaluate new policies, as suggested by the New York State School Board’s Association, Board members and district’s administration.
- Research, collaborate and consult with district administration, legal counsel and others.
- Recommend modifications, additions and deletions to the entire Board.
The Committee will be comprised of:
- Two to three Board of Education members. Members may change depending on policy topic and members’ expertise or knowledge in specific area.
- Superintendent and/or Assistant Superintendent for Business
- District Clerk
- Other administrators depending on policy topic, for example:
- Director of Learning for instructional and curriculum related policies
- Director of Special Education for policies related to special services procedures
- Director of Human Resources for staff related policies