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TEAM Tuskers - Mentoring

TEAM Tuskers

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Do you see me? Do you hear me? Do I matter?

When you were a child, do you remember having a supportive adult in your life (other than a parent) that made a positive impact?

Research from the Search Institute (The 40 Developmental Assets) has shown that, for adolescents, receiving support from three or more non-parent adults is important to their success in school and their growth as happy, healthy, contributing members of their communities.

T.E.A.M. Tuskers, a one-to-one mentoring program, is based on this premise.  This Somers Central School District (SCSD) program pairs students in grades 3 through 8 with caring adults within the community. These students meet with their mentors for one hour per week during the school year,and all meetings take place on school grounds, either at Somers Intermediate School (SIS) or Somers Middle School (SMS). During their time together, mentees and mentors have access to games, art supplies, puzzles, sports equipment, drinks and snacks. Students who are in the program in 8th grade will have the opportunity to continue mentoring with their mentor in high school.

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Contact TEAM Tuskers Mentoring

(914) 481-2716 | EMAIL
Somers Middle School
250 Route 202
Somers, NY 10589

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TEAM Tuskers Mentoring Forms

Tuskers mentoring matters logo


Our mission is to increase resiliency factors for students by providing relationships with caring adults to improve students' social and emotional well-being.


We strive to provide safe and nurturing relationships where students can learn from the wisdom of their mentors, enabling them to be better prepared to face the challenges of today's world.

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