Student Registration
Click for Full Student Registration Packet
Student Registration
Información de registro en español aqui
Prior to starting the online registration process, please complete the documents listed below and scan them to your computer as they will need to be uploaded during the registration process.
If you have trouble uploading the documents, please email them to
Please make sure you scroll down to find the OLR (Online Registration) Links.
1. Home Language Questionnaire (Required):
Download one of the following:
English | Spanish | Chinese | Albanian
2. Proof of Residency: Review the list of acceptable documents.
3. Proof of Age: Your child’s birth certificate, baptismal record, or passport. See additional acceptable forms below.
4. Records request Form: (New Registrants Only)
New Registrants Permission for Release of Student Records
5. Health Assessment: (New Kindergarten Registrations Only)
6. Current Physical: Provide most recent physical documentation.
7. Immunization Record: Provided most recent immunization record.
8. Report Card/Transcript from last school attended.
Provided within three days of enrollment; necessary to determine appropriate grade level placement not for enrollment. In addition, please request from your child's last school that a copy of all school records (academic, health, attendance, disciplinary records, individual evaluations, IEP’s, Section 504 Accommodation Plans, and a final transcript (if a high school student) be sent directly to your child’s school.
OLR (Online Registration)
Already Use Campus Parent?
If you HAVE a Campus Parent Portal account, login to your account,
then click More > then Online Registration.
Additional Forms and Information
New Kindergarteners
For more information, go to the Kindergarten Registration Information page.
Property Owner - Landlord Affidavit
Change of Address
If you are a current resident and you are moving within the district, you will need to complete a transportation form and submit it to the District Registrar along with proof of the new address.
The following documents are acceptable as proof of your new address:
- Signed Contract
- Lease agreement and landlord's school tax bill
Transportation Change of Address Form.
What constitutes proof of residency?
The following documentation may be submitted to demonstrate physical presence within the District (provided within three days of enrollment):
- a copy of a residential lease or proof of ownership of a house or condominium, such as a deed or mortgage statement.
- a statement by a third-party landlord, owner or tenant from whom the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation leases or with whom they share property within the district, which may be either sworn or affidavits can be found on the district website).
- such other statement by a third party relating to the parent(s)' or person(s) in parental relation's physical presence in the district.
- Other current documentation, such as:
- Pay stub showing your address
- Income tax form that shows your address
- Utility bill or another bill in your name
- Membership documents based on residency, such as a local library card
- Voter registration card
- Driver’s license, or permit, or non-driver ID
- State or other government issued ID
- Documents from government agencies such as social-service agency or the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement
- or evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers.
Pursuant to the Commissioner’s Regulations, when a child's parent(s), the person(s) in parental relation to the child or the child, as appropriate, requests enrollment of the child in the District, such child shall be enrolled and shall begin attendance on the next school day, or as soon as practical, unless a determination of non-residency is made in accordance with the Commissioners Regulations and the Education Law on the date of such request for enrollment. Parent(s), the person(s) in parental relation to the child or the child, as appropriate, shall have up to three business days after initial enrollment to submit documentation and/or information in support of the child's residency in the District.
Proof of Age
Where a certified transcript of a birth certificate or record of baptism is not available, a passport (including a foreign passport); Where none of the above is available other documentary or recorded evidence in existence two years or more, except an affidavit of age, may be submitted* Such other evidence may include but not be limited to the following: official driver's license; State or other government issued identification; school photo identification with date of birth; consulate identification card; hospital or health records; military dependent identification card; documents issued by Federal State or local agencies (e.g., focal social service agency* Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement); court orders or other court-issued documents; Native American tribal document; or records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies.