9281 Prof Staff Orientation
The Board of Education believes that, in order to best educate the district's children, newly hired teachers should be familiar with the operations of the district.
The Building Principal, or his/her designee, is responsible for the orientation of new teachers assigned to his/her school. He/She should give information and general directions in regard to the following:
1. The goals and aspirations of our schools;
2. School system policies and regulations;
3. The names of fellow teachers, office personnel, cafeteria personnel, custodians and other special staff personne1 who will come to the building;
4. Location and use of physical facilities of building: classroom, cafeteria, library, teachers' lounge, lavatories, etc.;
5. Teaching materials: courses of study, guide books, textbooks, and supplementary materials for grade or subject;
6. School forms: attendance reports, pupil and school records, transfers, purchase orders, plan books, etc.;
7. Methods for ordering books and supplies, securing audiovisual equipment, getting material duplicated, disposing of lost and found articles, etc.;
8. Schedule and meaning of all bell signals;
9. Regulations for pupils in the school building and on school grounds; uses of entrances, exits, lavatories, playground areas, equipment and activities; regulations for pupils during, before and after-school hours on school property; and
10. Directions regarding building meetings, in-service training meetings, other meetings, assignments to school committees, fire drill regulations, policies concerning teacher absences, attendance, dismissal, excuse of pupils from school, etc.
Adoption date: November 22, 1993