9280 Prof Staff Devlpmt
The Board of Education believes in the importance and value of professional development. The district's Professional Development Plan (PDP) developed through collaboration with a professional team of teachers, pupil personnel professionals, administrators, and parents, selected by the Superintendent of Schools, shall describe the following:
- Alignment of professional development with New York Standards and Assessments, student needs and teacher capabilities;
- Articulation of professional development across grade levels;
- Efforts made to ensure that professional development is continuous and sustained, and that delivery methods have been shown to be effective;
- The manner in which the district will measure impact of professional development on student achievement and teachers' practices; and
- Teachers expected participation in professional development (including an estimate of the average number of hours).
Ref: Education Law §3604(8) 8 NYCRR Part 80; §100.2(e)(vii)
Adoption date: November 22, 1993
Revised: March 20, 2000