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9260 Conditional Apptmt


The Board of Education recognizes that there may be instances in which it is necessary, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, for the Board to make a conditional appointment or an emergency conditional appointment of a prospective employee. To provide for the safety of students who have contact with an employee holding a conditional appointment or an emergency conditional appointment, the Board adopts the following policy.

No district employee who holds a conditional or emergency conditional appointment shall be in contact with students other than to provide the specific instruction or other services for which the employee was hired, except as deemed appropriate by the Building Principal.

No district employee who holds a conditional or emergency conditional appointment shall teach a class or provide services to students with his/her classroom or office door closed unless the Building Principal has provided express prior permission to do otherwise. Such permission may be appropriate, for example, during music class, band practice or testing procedures.

In no event shall such employee be left alone with an individual student. The Building Principal or his/her designee shall provide heightened administrative supervision of such employees while on school district property during the period of their conditional or emergency conditional appointment including, for example, unannounced visits to classrooms, walking the hallways, and/or any other activities the Principal determines to be appropriate.

In addition, the district will ensure that all conditional and emergency conditional appointed employees become aware of and receive training regarding the prohibition against child abuse in an educational setting and of their responsibility for reporting any such abuse at the commencement of their conditional or emergency conditional appointment. This training must take place within 30 days of a new employee’s hire date.

Failure to comply with this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

For purposes of this policy, the terms "conditional appointment" and "emergency conditional appointment" shall refer to any employee holding conditional or emergency conditional appointment, as defined in Section 1709 of the Education Law.


Cross-ref:        5465, Child Abuse in an Educational Setting

Ref:     Education Law §§1125-1133, 1604, 1709, 1804,2503,2554,3035

8 NYCRR §§ 100.2 (hh);  Part 87


Adoption date:  September 10, 2001

Revised November 14, 2023

Revised:  April 16, 2024