9245 Part Time and Sub Prof Staff Employment
Part-time Teachers
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education will approve or reject the employment of part-time teachers consistent with the needs of the school district.
Part-time teachers will meet all necessary certification requirements if their appointment is to exceed thirty nine days. Part-time teachers will be compensated for their work for their work on a prorated basis commensurate with their placement on the salary schedule.
Substitute Teachers
The Board of Education recognizes its obligation to provide qualified, temporary replacements for district teachers who are absent from school.
Although it is the goal of the administration to hire certified substitutes, it is understood that time allowances and other circumstances may prevent such hiring.
In order to allow adequate time for the school to procure a substitute, professional staff members should notify the Building Principal or designee of their absence in advance. Whenever possible, the teacher who will be absent should leave a detailed lesson plan for the substitute to follow.
A substitute teacher is one who is employed in place of a regularly appointed teacher who is expected to return.
The employment of substitute teachers will be centralized for the district in the office of the Director of Human Resources and Student Services. The Director of Human Resources and Student Services shall prepare and maintain a District Master Preferred Substitute List and a Back-up Substitute List, with input from the Building Principals. The total number of substitutes on the lists is subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools. Building Principals shall assume the responsibility for the scheduling of substitutes from the approved lists as needed.
Daily rates of compensation for all substitutes shall be established by the Board. Commencing on the fortieth consecutive day of substitution for one particular teacher, however, the substitute shall be paid at a rate equivalent to step one of the Bachelor's scale.
Suitable programs and procedures for the training, assigning, and evaluation of substitute teachers shall be implemented by the professional staff under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools.
The Director of Human Resources and Student Services shall also be responsible for keeping all records related to the Unemployment Compensation Law as it applies to substitute and part-time teachers.
Adoption date: November 22, 1993
Revised: September 15, 2009
Revised: May 30, 2023