9170 Providing Meals & Refreshments at Dist Events-mtgs
The Board of Education recognizes that from time to time it may be appropriate to provide meals and/or refreshments at district meetings and/or events, which are being held for an educational purpose budgeted amounts in each school, and as authorized by the Superintendent of Schools. Any expenditure made on such meals and/or refreshments should be appropriately documented with a receipt, itemized whenever possible, and submitted to the district's business office for the purposes of audit and possible reimbursement.
Examples of authorized categories of expenditures include but not limited to refreshments for staff on teacher orientation day at the beginning of each year, staff recognition day, refreshments for Superintendent's Conference Day, community/district meetings, assessment day grading of tests, receptions for volunteers, and other meetings at which district business is conducted.
Adoption date: January 24, 2006
Reviewed: April 18, 2023