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9000 Personnel Policies Goals


The Board of Education recognizes that a dynamic and efficient staff dedicated to education is necessary to maintain a constantly improving educational program. The Board is interested in its personnel as individuals, and it recognizes its responsibility for promoting the general welfare of the staff.  

The Board's specific personnel goals are:

  • to develop and implement those strategies and procedures for personnel recruitment, screening and selection which will result in employing the best available candidates, i.e., those with highest capabilities, strongest commitment to quality education, and greatest probability of effectively implementing the district's learning program;
  • to provide staff compensation and benefits programs sufficient to attract and retain qualified employees;
  • to provide an inservice training program for all employees which fosters improved performance and increased rates of staff retention and promotion;
  • to conduct an employee appraisal program that will contribute to the continuous improvement of staff capabilities and the learning program;
  • to develop channels of communication so that professional and ethical problems may be handled in accordance with established policies; and
  • to develop the quality of human relationships necessary to obtain maximum staff performance and satisfaction through cooperation with recognized labor associations.

Adoption date: November 22, 1993

Reviewed: April 18, 2023