Technology, Design & Engineering
Somers Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Somers High School (Grades 9-12)
Technology & Engineering (SHS)
This is an exciting time to be involved in Technology Education. Computers allow students to perform many useful activities involving research, design and drafting. Student experiences are enhanced through the use of AutoDesk Inventor, a 3-D modeling software program and industry-standard software, including: AutoCAD, Revit (Architecture), and VIZ (Animation). But technology is much more than computers.
Technology Education can be viewed as the study of the human-made world. In our lab students will come to understand how societies have applied math and science to create wanted goods and services. The history of technology begins with primitive tools of the Stone Age and leads up to emerging fields involving nanotechnology and biotechnology. In each course, we consider the benefits and consequences of various technologies, and relate them to key topics including sustainability, pollution and alternative energies.
Through hands-on activities, students will improve their abilities to think spatially, communicate and solve problems. During these activities, students will become familiar with the proper use of tools, along with methods of manipulating materials and other resources. All courses also foster creativity and teamwork. Throughout their studies, students will be introduced to a host of career options. These may include Architecture, Design, Engineering, Biotechnology, Medicine/Surgery, Computer Technology, Manufacturing, Environmental Studies and Management.
By integrating theory with practical applications, the Technology Education classroom encourages active participation in learning and makes students aware not only of what they have learned, but also how they have learned. Here, students come to understand abstract theories by applying them through learning activities, and by putting them into practice in real-world situations. This provides a platform on which we integrate various subjects including math, the sciences, humanities and social sciences. Perhaps the most important feature of Technology Education is a capacity to instill within students a lifelong interest in learning.
As per NYSED guidelines and at the Guidance Department’s discretion, the following commencement level technology education courses may be used as the third unit of credit in SCIENCE or MATHEMATICS, but not both: Design & Production, Electronics & Robotics and Principles of Engineering.
Though this course was developed with input from the engineering colleges, it is NOT designed JUST for future engineers. The problem-solving skills and presentation skills are helpful to everyone and are applicable to any career choice. Principles of Engineering is cooperatively offered between the Technology Department and the Science Department. Course credit can be utilized as a science elective credit OR a technology credit.